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"Captain, we'll be at Camp in two hours," Leran acknowledges the message and turns back to his talk with Kellan. 

Kellan has been fine, up 'til that point. Now he's being hit with nerves like never before. He's met Tommy, but not Jayse. He doubts that Tommy will remember him since it was at an impromptu party years before when a bunch of companies found themselves together and no shifter action. 

The next day Sigma had left and they later found out their destination was a small colony called Bandro. After that nightmare, it's unlikely that Tommy would remember meeting him.  If he recalls correctly, Tommy's son, Tory, was there as well. It's doubtful that Tommy would want to recall since his son didn't make it out of Bandro, like the majority of Sigma.

As for Kadance he only met her briefly, he doubts that she was even told his name since he wasn't a commander yet. That was on Planex before her children were born.

"Hey, it's okay. You'll do fine. Unless you do something to put Kadance in harms way or cross Kadance in some manner. She's not going to hurt you or have her husbands do so." Leran tries to calm the, now very nervous man down.

"Normally, I wouldn't be so nervous meeting her, but if she doesn't agree to Jayse and Tommy going to Dayla vital information might not make it into our hands. Dayla is only willing to talk to those three. She knows coordinates for the shifters, I know it. Then of course there's the possibility of finding out the coordinates to Earth. Perhaps we don't need that, but wouldn't it be nice to know if any survived the wars there?"

"Yes, of course it would be nice, Kellan. It's something I think every warrior has wondered at least once. I know most of us would jump at the chance to find out, but, right now ending this whole damn war with those creatures is far more important. And that, I guarantee you is something that Tommy and Jayse at least will be on board for. I'm willing to bet Kadance will be as well.

"Besides, a sentient planet? It's got to have Tommy raring to go. I bet he's got his bag packed for when the graduation ceremony is over."

Kellan sniffs out an appreciative chuckle. Yeah, it's likely Tommy would have his bag ready to go. A chance to learn about something so new and be one of the first to learn about it. When he finds out that he's been invited to go, he might just forget about the graduation ceremony entirely and head for the shuttle. And like it's been said before, where Tommy goes, Jayse and Kadance follow, if they can.

"The way I see it, the one you'll have the hardest time convincing is Kadance. Especially if she's fighting with Jayse and Tommy. I wonder why she's so against Sigma being reformed?"

Kellan can only shake his head. He doesn't know Kadance, just her reputation and the videos of her with her team and doing the impossible. He doesn't understand why she wouldn't want Sigma reformed. They need Sigma, especially if they are going after the shifters on their own worlds.

Kellan can't sit still so he stands and starts pacing around the cabin. "You know, you might do better going to the gym and working off some of that energy." Leran says smiling or rather smirking at his nervous friend.

Kellan gives him a hard look, "You know, if I'm successful, Kadance and her entire team will be coming back with me?"

Now it's Kellan's turn to smirk at the man he calls friend. No one wants Kadance's team on their ship because they are all afraid that her team will take it over. More or less like Tommy did at Luna Two before they returned to Gaia for Kadance to have her children.

Tommy had been quick to give control back to the captain of that ship, but still the memory stays long. Leran shudders, he'd talked to the captain once about it. Tommy put up shields before he'd even known that they needed to. If he hadn't their ship would have sustained heavy damage and many would have lost their lives.

But still, the idea of how easy it had been for her team to take over has every Captain ill at ease with them on their ship.

"Thanks, Kellan, now I don't know if I should wish you a successful mission down there or not."

"You better hope I'm successful. We need to end this war and we need to have that planet. With out those minerals we're screwed. You know it as well as I."

The all important minerals that make their ships faster than the damn shifters. They have to have it or they'll get to the planets too late to help the small security forces Kadance has made out of redliners.

The fertile farmlands are also necessary to feed the people on the core planets that have become over populated and built over their farm lands. The stupidity of civilians never fails. There are plenty of places to build that aren't fertile farm lands, the land no one wants because of its bareness.

"Go workout some of that nervous energy, Kellan. Your shuttle will be the only one going down." There were a few others on board that have children graduating and want to see their children that they haven't seen in years. Whenever possible command allows parents to watch their children graduate. Since Kadance came to the society more parents have remained alive to see their children graduate. Not all, not by a long shot, but far more than had in the past.

Kellan nods and heads out to change into clothes appropriate for a work out.

Kellan is lost in the fight or sparring match and is shocked to hear the alarm for him to return to his quarters and prepare for going down to Camp. His sparring partner backs off and grins. "I'd wish you luck, except I'm not sure that I'm interested in meeting Kadance and team."

"Yeah, I'm not so sure I am either. But they are the key to finding the shifter worlds and ending this war. That I am interested in."

The warrior loses his grin and looks at him in wonder, "They know where the shifter worlds are?"

Kellan shakes his head, "No, if they did I'm sure that they would have told Command by now. No, but they are the ones that will receive the knowledge from Dayla." By now the entire ship knows that Dayla is sentient and knows things that she shouldn't about shifters and their history. The warrior just nods his head.

"Then I will wish you luck. We need to end this war sooner rather than later."

They do, Kellan is in full agreement with that. His reservations though, are for what Sareen had said. Things will get worse before they get better. What had she meant by that?

Kellan walks back to his quarters to get ready to go down lost in his thoughts. He even gets to the shuttle before he's pulled back to the here and now by his LC.

As they prepare to debark the shuttle he swallows hard. Here goes everything. He's not sure how he's going to get Kadance on board with going to Dayla.

Kadance: Another TaleWhere stories live. Discover now