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General Lighten waits nervously at the shuttle port. Any time Kadance is mixed up in something life changes are made. After serving on her team for ten years he just couldn't handle it any more. Some people thought that being sent to Planex was a demotion or punishment for him. The truth is, he begged to be transferred. It had been interesting being in Kadance's household while the children were growing up, but peaceful it wasn't.

Although the children could be charming, they were also very much their parents children and that did not make for peace.

Add in the fact that all the females on Kadance's team also became pregnant with the other security members children and holy hell descends on the house at times. But they all listened to Kadance and when she lost her patience with the kids, the kids behaved.

When Kadance mentioned that she might want to do the ceremony again Lighten couldn't handle it anymore. As much as he enjoyed his time with Kadance he couldn't handle more hellions.

Lighten smiles at one particular memory. Kadance was set on finding any living children of Jayse or Tommy. It was a great surprise to both Jayse and Tommy that she did actually find one for Tommy and one for Jayse as well. They had both thought all their children dead.

It was an even greater shock when they found out that the doctor that saved Tommy and Jayse's life is Tommy's daughter. Didn't Tommy smirk at that one. The reaction of him meeting her and demanding answers though, he still feels for her.

When Tommy found out her mother demanded that she promise to never tell him he was beyond furious. He was also very hurt. Lighten was shocked at just how painful it was to see Tommy in pain from that revelation. Tommy had actually really liked the mother of his children and to find that she kept the knowledge of her from him pained him greatly.

Jayse was just as shocked to find one of the fighters pilots from the same company that saved Bandro when he called in for aerial backup was his son. As far as he knew, none of his children had gone for pilot's training and taken to the skies. All his other children had gone into the infantry and for the females medico. Although, Jayse only had two daughters altogether.

Kadance got the children put onto her security. Jayse's son, the pilot, also had intel training and her team helped him develop that as well. But it was his piloting skills he taught to the children. All the children learned to pilot before they left for Camp. Even now he can see the seven year olds do fancy flying maneuvers that adults couldn't do. He shivers at how close they came, on more than one occasion, of colliding.

Then Jayse's son and Tommy's daughter made their pairing a permanent one.

That had been the last straw for Lighten. He'd begged to be released and finally Kadance allowed it and still kept her contract with HQ even though she couldn't tolerate any of the possible replacements for him.

When Lighten got his new orders he didn't waste any time packing. 

Although Kadance was upset she was understanding and they even had a big send off party for him. They had all given him gifts, even the little hellions. Lighten doesn't tell any one this, but he cherishes those gifts more than any thing else he owns. He misses Kadance and the chaos, but he can't handle it for long periods of time either.

Lighten comes out of his memories as he sees Kellan comes down the shuttle. 

"General, thank you for meeting us here." Kellan goes up to him and salutes.

"Commander, no need to be so formal. Anything to help out those that have been screwed over by lies. I'm sorry for all that you've had to go through." Lighten had read the reports. Unlike Jannsen he could readily believe in a sentient planet.  He's also easily able to believe that civilians lied HQ to get a company to do what they wanted.

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