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Jannsen nods his head, "Precisely."

Kellan shakes his head, "How will that be possible? Alpha won't be happy about losing their two top men."

Jannsen gets another even sicker look on his face. "They didn't have a choice. Neither did I. Sigma had a prior claim to them, Jayse was sure to make us aware once it was decided that Sigma would be reactivated. The look on his face as he informed us, I swear it was Kadance all over again. The look was one of positive wicked delight as I and Alpha Command were informed."

"I'm confused, Admiral, how could that be possible? Sigma died long before the twins graduated."

Jannsen says with a disgusted look, "Jayse had requested them for Sigma their second year of camp. After Sigma died he had no choice but to help them get into Alpha, but their claim still stands."

"Still that's not many members for a Company," the LC says thoughtfully.

"The company will remain small, an insertion team for special missions or to help out in difficult situations. Only the best, Kadance's family being the core, but others chosen by Tommy and Jayse as well. Not to mention their mates."

Silence once more descends, "Mates?"

"They've all life mated, even Jade and Jax and all have at least two children that have already started their education. Once the graduation ceremony is over the children will return with their grandparents to be trained while their parents are off on missions."

Kellan shakes his head with his eyes closed. "You've got to be kidding me?"

"No, I wish I was. The children had all bred true, all of them have incredible skills in at least one area, most have multiple skills like Tommy. All of them are natural born leaders and all of them are deadly fighters."

"Wait, so the females will be fighting as well?" Leran demands. Although it's not unknown, there are several females that are active fighters, it is unusual. Most elect for other fields that are mostly out of the fighting but still vital to their survival, like intelligence or medical.

"Occasionally, if they are needed. They are all deadly fighters and would be able to give Beta Company a run for their money. When I say that I'm talking about just the females against the whole of Beta. When they arrived at Camp they would have been able to defend against the same kind of invasion that happened to the last camp. With their brothers and friends help of course.

"They are the top in each of their specialized fields, medical, intel/ghosting/ demo even flying. The others that Jayse and Tommy are recruiting are just about as good."

"They have children, you mentioned." Leran is more than a little sick.

"The girls seduced seniors when they were fourteen and their brothers weren't far behind them. At least two each, including their teams children. Jayse, Tommy and the others have been giving them extra classes. As have Jade and Jax both of which have several children as well."

"Shit." All three of them mutter this at one time or another.

"Jade and Jax will be commanding Sigma, who will be controlling Jade and Jax?" Kellan demands. He's met them both and although he likes them greatly, he never found them stable enough to lead a Company.

Jannsen gives them another sickly smile, "Well, they do nominally listen to Command HQ, but in reality?" Jannsen shrugs his shoulders. "Who the hell knows? Kadance perhaps? Jayse? Tommy?"

"You're forming a Company of such deadly fighters and you have little control over them?" Leran is barely able to choke that out.

"Little to no choice. Jayse made sure of that. His children aren't assigned yet and he threatened to have Kadance have them assigned as her guards.

"All of them are as invisible in ghosting as Tommy, who'd come into Command and leave tips on how to improve security and leave without getting caught. He's the only one that's ever been able to evade the sweeps of the testing grounds. That we know of..." Jannsen thinks about that for a bit before turning white. It's very likely that Tommy has trained the kids to be able to do the same thing. "He's able to crack any security and he and Baron have taught all of them just as well. And you know that the only ones better than him in demolition are the twins, Jade and Jax. They've been doing extra lessons with their cousins and their friends. 

"They are the best we've ever had, with all of them passing Tommy's little field test when they were not yet in Camp."

"Sir, if all that is true wouldn't it then be better to have them spread out among all the companies rather than in just one specialized company?" Kellan asks confused.

Jannsen sighs once more. "That would be ideal, but, they are a team in spirit. They know instinctively when to move, when to cover, when to ghost, whatever. They don't use communications of any sort. Not verbal, not physical. They just do what needs to be done without even looking or knowing where the others are. It's uncanny and damn spooky watching them all work together. They are invisible when they want to be, and invariably deadly. Yes, they would be assets no matter which company they served in, but that kind of team work is something we've never had before, and takes things up to a level that is indescribable.

"When Tommy was still in Sigma and had his son working with him, shifters often left when they found out which company was there.

"This team would be like that times a thousand. It will be far better to keep them together then to separate them into individuals."

"The sum more than the parts, sir?" The LC finds his voice to ask that question.

"Precisely. They will be able to take on and destroy whole shifter worlds by themselves. We need Sigma to once more take on the forlorn hope and turn it into victory. This war has gone on far enough."

"Yes, sir. I just feel bad for anyone that kills one of them."

"I feel bad for the shifters should we ever find out the coordinates of their home worlds and colonies." Leran mutters.

Kellan had been watching Jannsen at that time and caught something. "Sir, do we know of any more of their planets?"

"Commander, I don't know what you are talking about." Jannsen tries to bluff.

Kellan just shakes his head, "You need to take lessons from Tommy on how to lie, Admiral. But I won't press you."

Jannsen looks about ready to cry, "Thank you. You know, I feel for Rueton, I really do. He only had to deal with Kadance and her team. I have to deal with them and now their children, her nephews and their mates as well as their children in a few years. I have no doubt that I will be like him by the time I retire."

"Too bad Lighten retired from her team. Did she ever find someone satisfactory enough to replace him?"

Jannsen closes his eyes and weariness descends on him like a cloak. "No, it sure was a hell of a lot easier when Lighten was there.

"Speaking of Lighten, take the survivors to Planex for training. I'm sure that they will need some psych help after all they've been through. I know Planex is out of the way for you, but it is the closest to Dayla. Then you better get your asses to Camp if Jayse and Tommy are needed. I'll try to get them to meet with you there."

"Thank you, Admiral." Jannsen merely waves as he mutters to himself and they are all glad they aren't able to hear what he's saying. Dealing with Kadance and her team was bad enough, they couldn't imagine having to deal with her kids, their mates and their children as well as the kids, mates and children of the other members of her security team.

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