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Leran looks up as the door to his office opens, "You look slightly better Commander. Have you eaten yet?" When Leran says slightly that's precisely what he means. Kellan still looks like he's about to fall over and looks little more than a ghost white with heavy dark circles under his eyes.

"Not really hungry, but did grab some nutrition bars and ate one before coming here." Leran raises an eyebrow at this. Nutrition bars are rations for when they are fighting and can't take time to eat a true meal. They give energy, and as the name states nutrition, but don't taste all that great and are last resort for the warriors. They all prefer real food to the bars.

"I'm still too tired to run around to the mess hall and then do everything else I need to do." Kellan replies to the unspoken query.

"I can see that, Kellan. It looks like the sleep did you little good."

"Sleep filled with nightmares is never a restful sleep. I wonder how Jayse and Tommy ever slept after Bandro?"

"Well you'll get to ask them that after we drop off the survivors and some of your men at Planex, I just got the notification that Kadance has okayed a meeting with you, your LC, Jannsen and her husbands at Camp. I think that Tommy is the main reason for that. He somehow got hold of your report and started pushing Kadance for the chance to speak with you."

"How...never mind, I don't want to know. At least that's something that's going right. How long until we reach Planex?" Kellan runs his hands over his face trying desperately to wake himself up.

"A week and that's pushing things to a limit. Dayla being so far out in the back of beyond will help keep her clear, but doesn't make traveling easy." That's an understatement. If they are reaching Planex in a week then Leran is definitely pushing things. Military ships like this have the fastest speeds available, but normally the trip to Dayla would take more than three weeks. Civilian ships even longer.

Before any one else can say anything a wind comes out of nowhere and a dust storm takes on the shape of Sareen. "Commander, I see that you have done your best in keeping your promises, I thank you. Once you talk to the two husbands, make sure that they hold the knives that were given to you. That will clarify their minds so that they can give you the information your people need. Then, if your other promises hold bring them to me, take them to the location of the damned. They will be allowed to come and no harm will befall them. If they would, I would like to meet the woman strong enough for them as well."

"Yes, of course, I'll pass on your message. Are the knives to be given to Jayse and Tommy then?" Kellan wants to make sure that he does what he's expected but isn't sure if he's to give up the knives.

Sareen's image smiles at Kellan. "For a time only. Come back with them, but you will not be allowed back on Dayla. After they speak with me there, the knives will be returned to you and your man. They are a gift for all your help you've given Dayla."

"Help? What help? I've killed three thousand of her people." Kellan can't repress his cries of anguish at Sareen's words.

"Commander, what you did was done in ignorance. You and your people were blinded by the greed of those that forced the colonization of Dayla onto your HQ by lies and manipulation. The warriors are not to be blamed and you will not be punished for your actions. Take your knife, Commander," Sareen waits for him to do so.

Sareen watches Kellan as he reluctantly takes out the flint like knife. "Very good, now hold it in your hands as if presenting it to someone." Kellan looks confused at first but then lays the knife across his hands and offers it to Sareen.

Sareen looks at him amused, "I am the one that gave it to you in the first place Commander, are you then not accepting the gift Dayla gave you?"

Kellan colors a brilliant red and pulls his arms back. "Not so, Sareen, I was just doing as you said."

"Then fully accept the gift from Dayla. She never meant to cause you or your men harm."

Kellan looks into the dust formed eyes and finds himself relaxing. As he fights sleep he sees Sareen smiling gently once more. "Bring them to Dayla and their questions will be answered. As will yours Captain, and yes she knows." Leran jumps when Sareen looks to him and answers his questions that he dares not voice.

"You warriors have suffered enough, but your suffering isn't over. To bring an end to the shifter nightmare, your people will suffer more than you can imagine. The woman, Kadance I believe the commander called her, she has in her group one that will understand the hell that is coming. But, yes, Dayla will have some information in regards to the shifters home worlds. What you do with that information will determine your future and the future of your people."

Sareen's image grows sad, "The lost of my people yearn to return to Dayla, Captain. How can you not feel their pain?"

Kellan is almost asleep at this point. "I feel their pain." He manages to slur out fighting the sleep he feels coming on.

Sareen gives him a sad smile, "Yes, Commander, I know. Sleep now, you deserve the peace." She then turns to the Captain. "He will rest peacefully now. My time is almost up, thank you for helping my people and thank your leader as well, for allowing them to return home to die. Make sure that he understands that Dayla doesn't hold him responsible and those that are will be dealt with." There is a satisfied smile on Sareen's face with those words.

"Dare I ask?"

"I don't know, Captain, do you?" Sareen is amused at how hesitant the captain is in his words with her.

"I think this time, I don't. Thank you for your assistance with the Commander."

Sareen smiles in reply, "The knife will work the same on all others that have issues like that. The two you are going to see will also need to hold the knife as the commander did. Will you let him know that for me?"

"Of course. Thank you for helping him. What happened on Dayla and the loss of his friend-" Leran stops. He realizes that the friend is the son of the person in front of him if Kellan's report is accurate. Kellan's reports are always accurate, even if it's detrimental to him to be so.

"He helped my son, Captain. Was there with him in his final moments when I could not be. Helped him, when I couldn't. It is the least I could do in thanks. What happened to the commander shouldn't have. He is a good man and doesn't deserve to be plagued by guilt for the rest of his life for something that was beyond his control." Sareen smiles once more at Kellan before once more disappearing in a whirlwind of dust and wind.

Leran shakes his head, "The admiral is never going to believe this. Not even with the video recordings."

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