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Commander Kellan walks into Captain Leran's office fully expecting to have the link set up. He most definitely wasn't expecting to see the most tranquil person he's ever met be so angry. In the middle of a fire fight heavily outnumbered by shifters, Leran has never lost his cool, ever. Yet, for whatever reason Leran's face is cerise in anger at the person he's talking to.

"I don't care if the Admiral is using the head or if he's in a high profile meeting with the leaders of the Unified Planets. This is a priority communication. You treat it as if it brings dire news as to whether you live or die, not ignore it like yesterday's news! Refusing to pass on a priority one message is equivalent to treason you, dolt. Now, listen carefully, idiot, tell the Admiral that not only is this a priority one message, it's a priority one message that concerns Kadances's family."

Leran sits back at the reaction of whomever he'd been yelling at with those words. A satisfied smile finally taking it's place on his face. "Ah, better, I see that I've finally got your attention. Now transfer the call you simpleton!" Leran mutters and Kellan admires the way the captain was able to keep the insults to low key ones. His words would have been far more astringent and blistering than his friend's had been. Kellan almost has to strain to hear the words Leran mutters under his breath, "You self important toad."

Kellan chuckles softly at the insult. His words would have been far less kind. "You handled that far better than I would have." Kellan knows his faults and weaknesses. Like Tommy he can't stand incompetence. Unlike Tommy he can usually keep his reactions more refined. But he does admit, leadership is a pain in the ass and understands why Tommy refuses to do more than teach the demo teams. Each year HQ practically has to beg him to do so. Each year he gets more and more reluctant. So far only the twins and the teams kids have managed to pass the test. Kellan often wonders how well he'd do if he could take the time off to take the test.

He's afraid to find out.

Leran looks at his friend and isn't able to hide his irritation. At least not until he got a good look at Kellan, then his irritation turns to a worried frown. There is always pain in the depths of all Warriors eyes that survive their first combat, but something has hurt Kellan far more than just battle loss. The deaths of the civilians pains him greatly. The pain has aged him a great deal in just the few weeks he'd been down on Dayla.

"Captain Leran, there's something that concerns Kadance's family out there in the back of beyond?" The Admiral demands finally picking up the secured link.

"Commander Kellan," the Admiral acknowledges the leader of Beta Company before he takes a good look at him. "Good heavens, you look like you've been through hell. Damn, you look nearly as bad as Jayse and Thompson did after Bandro." All in hearing range wince in remembered pain at the loss of the best Company the warriors ever had. All warriors had seen footage of the battlefield and of the survivors. To protect Jayse and Tommy, Rory was never shown. Everyone was afraid that it would send them both over and if they went over they'd take their security team with them. No one wants to lose one of the core worlds and possibly more.

"I have, Admiral. It may not have been Bandro, and it wasn't shifters that did this, but I've been through and am going through hell." Kellan's tone is heavy with weariness. He feels like falling over he's so tired.

"Beta Company?" Admiral Jannsen demands anxiously. They can't afford to lose another company, not now.

Kellan shakes his head, almost too weary to speak, "No, sir, I only lost two of my men. That only because of their own inattention. The civilians are peaceful and never attacked us." He wish they had instead of dying like they are. "The planet is not as we expected, Admiral, Dayla, as the natives call her is...how do I explain this without you thinking me insane?" Kellan closes his eyes hoping for inspiration and almost falling asleep instead. It's the memories of the horrors of the last few weeks that make him open them again. Finally he just spits it out too tired to figure out any other way to say it. "Dayla is sentient, Admiral."

As he'd expected there is silence after his words. Neither the captain nor the admiral saying anything at his words. At least for a short time while they digested what he said.

The Adm. takes his penetrating look off the Commander and turns it to the Captain, "Captain, has the Commander been examined?" The voice is soothing and calm, yet worried and filled with command.

"Yes, sir. Every last person brought up from Dayla was examined. He is clean. Please, Admiral, let him tell you his report. Something happened, something very traumatic happened. Commander Kellan was forced to order an emergency evacuation of the compound, every one from off planet was tested positive for cancer." Jannsen goes pale at this news, "The tumors were incredibly fast growing. Yesterday, the report shows that those the stayed until the last transport had fist sized tumors spread throughout their body." The captain swallows hard and nervous. If it was possible, Jannsen turned even more white and sickly at his words. He holds up a hand and they can all tell that he's trying to hold back being sick.

"I see, why you abandoned, Dayla. Okay, Commander, I think you better give me a rundown of what happened." The Admiral demands hoarsely. Jannsen suddenly sounds weary. Of course it was too good to be true. They are finally starting to hold their numbers and even increasing them and now this mess. He also looks like he's aged a great deal as well. He sits back and closes his eyes as he waits for Kellan's report to begin.

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