Ch 8

166 8 1

August 10, 1819
Queen's bedroom

Outfits:Same (only Peggy and Eliza in this chapter)

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Same (only Peggy and Eliza in this chapter)

3rd Person POV

     For the rest of the time at the cliff side and ride back, Peggy remained silent. Everyone got back to the castle late that night. Once they got back, they said their good nights and went to their bedrooms.

     Peggy started walking towards her room, but remembered the drawing. She took it out of her dress hood and ran to find Eliza.

Luckily, Eliza was only starting to open her bedroom door when the younger girl found her.

Peggy- Eliza! I need to talk to you!

Eliza turned around and smiled. But once she say the piece of paper, her smile slowly dropped.

Peggy grabbed her hand and took her into the bedroom, shutting the door. Eliza went and sat at her desk.

Peggy- Can you tell me why you drew this?

She handed the paper to Eliza, who looked over it. She set the paper down on the table and looked back up.

Eliza- I don't know who drew that.

Peggy- You did, Elizabeth.

Eliza looked at her in sadness. Peggy placed her hands on the table and looked back seriously.

Peggy- What's wrong, Eliza?

Eliza- Nothings wrong!

Peggy- That's what you said earlier before telling how scary it is being queen. So I know something is up. Something more than just your role in the kingdom.

It took Eliza a few seconds before answering.

Eliza- It's hard, Peggy, to do anything around here without anyone. It just keeps getting so lonely. I had no friends here before you guys got here, all of my siblings live in different countries, and both of my parents are gone. I can't stand it! Sometimes, I really just hate everything. Including myself. And it gets worse whenever I hear about a new marriage in the kingdom. I feel so unloved, hence the drawing.

Peggy- If you feel that way, why don't you get married?

Eliza- I want to, but every prince or man that everyone found for me end up being douche bags and use me for power. And I don't want that in a marriage. I want happiness, communication, love, and both of us having equal power. Not just him having the power just because he's a man and I'm a girl.

Peggy- You know who isn't like those other men?

Eliza- Ugh, Who?

Peggy- Alexander-

Eliza- No-

Peggy- Hamilton-

Eliza- No!

Peggy- Why not?

Eliza- Because... that's just such an awkward thing to think about.

Peggy- What is? You married to a pirate?

Eliza- No... the two of us loving each other is such an awkward thing to think about.

Peggy- Yeah, I understand. So all those times when you were absolutely helpless for him on the ship, the times when you guys would playfully fight and flirt, the time where you guys kissed- that all means nothing to you?

Eliza- That was 18 year old me. That girl was stupid and fell in love quickly. That's not me now. That was just a stupid little crush that every teenager goes through. And I'm over that.

Peggy leaned back, crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow.

Eliza- I am! He's only a friend to me!

Eliza got up and started walking around her room.

Peggy- Yeah.. a friend. Because friends go to each other's balcony late at night, quote the most romantic and famous scene for one of the most romantic plays with each other, and talk for like 2 hours.

She stopped walking and whipped around, widened eyes and jaw dropped as she looked at a smirking Peggy.

Eliza- How did you-

Peggy- It's Alexander. Did you really think he would have a romantic moment with a girl and not come back bragging and talking about it?

Eliza mentally cursed him and blushed. Peggy giggled and skipped to the older girl, hugging her.

Peggy- I knew that Hamliza will be forever!

Eliza immediately pushed Peggy off when she heard that name that Peggy made for them on the boat.

Eliza- No, it's not. We don't love each other. We are only friends!

Peggy- Mmphmm. Fine, say that if you want to. But I know you two have some type of attraction for each other.

She started walking to the door, and stopped right before opening the door.

Peggy- And Eliza? Please just talk to us if you ever feel sad, stressed, angry, unloved or anything. I know that you hate when we get involved with your personal life, and we try not to do it, but this is something else. Something serious, that we need you to talk to us about. Even if you just talk to one of us instead of all of us, it's fine. Just talk to one of us.

She said. Eliza put on a small smile and nodded. Peggy returned a smile, and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her and skipping to her room.

Eliza looked at the desk and walked to it, picking up the drawing. She sighed and buried it deep in the desk so no one found it.

A/N- Hello!! So, today is Monday. And I decided since because of practice and that taking up some time of updating, I decided to do a week long update! So a new chapter everyday for a week.

BTW: these chapters are pre-typed a few days before, so there may be a few errors

PS: did you guys catch anything that may be foreshadowing?? *wink wink* *nudge nudge*

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