18. Marooned x2

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Catalina's POV

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Catalina's POV

Barbossa looks out to sea, toward the islet.

"Hah. Look there. That's the very same island we made Jack governor of on our last trip. When you sail the open sea as long as I, you learn to trust the signs fate sends your way."

Gibbs sighs dejected, "Amen to that ..."

I glare at him making him freeze.

Barbossa makes his way over to us, "Jack, Elizabeth, Enchantress... I'm a man of my word and you're to be set free, right quick."

He turns to the crew and shouts loudly, "Men, break out the plank!"

A cheer goes up from the pirates. Will realizes what Barbossa intends to do, struggles with captors.

"No! You gave your word!"

Barbossa snaps angrily, "Quite, boy, or you'll lose your tongue. Those as know me know I wouldn't cross my word, and bring down bad luck on the ship.
I agreed to set them free. I didn't say when ... nor where."

The Black Pearl lies at anchor, closer now to the island. Elizabeth, wrists still bound, stands in the classic 'walking the plank' pose. Jack is next in line. Then me. Pirates crowd the ship's rail to watch.

Will and Elizabeth exchange helpless looks; there is nothing they can do.

"The lady's first. But first, I'll be wanting that dress back, if you please."

Elizabeth hesitates... then strips it off, leaving her in a silk slip. Barbossa's crew whistle and mock as they stare at her. She throws the dress at Barbossa.

"Here-- it will go well with your blackheart!"

Barbossa indicates the plank. Elizabeth stands on the edge looking down.

"I will not walk into the ocean. You'll have to throw me in!"

Barbossa raises an eyebrow, grins, and nods then looks over at his crew.

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