Chapter 1 WHAT THE --------NOOOOO!!!!

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You are (y/n) the only daughter of (y/f/n) family ,known for its wealth and kindness allover the world .

You were living a very happy ,cheerful and peaceful life .

Untill the indicint that occured to day......


You were returning from my school , the guards open the the mansion gates ,your maid Elisa open the door .Back in the compound your dads car was there which was ...odd .Why?because he is always overseas and hardly come home , and at this high time of business month , more wierd.

Whatever you were very happy because now you were going spend alot of time with him .

You went straight to your dads study .

Hurridly open the door ,"DADDY!!!! you are hom....." You stopped at mid when you saw Uchiha Sasuke with his father guess .But what was HE doing here your house... in your dads study.

" Oh ! (Name ) you here , i was just expecting you ."said your father.

"Uh! .... sorry , um ...why?" I asked.

"(Name) your manners ?"said my dad motioned his head to the side .

"Oh ! Sorry hi n-nice to m-meet you " you greeted. You cursed myself for suttering.

Sasuke smirk at this ,you threw a glare .

"Nice meet you ."said Sasuke father , "You have beautiful daughter ."

You blushed , your dad gave a close eyed smile.

Sasuke father stood up and petted your head "It will be an honour to have you as my daughter in law"said with a closed eyed smile.

?...WAIT !!! WHAT ?

You turn my head towards your dad give a look saying what -is -he-saying .

'Please tell me ,what on earth is happening' You thought ....


" (name), .... my lovely daughter ."he paused , your eyes went wide after what he said

"You are going to marry Sauske , Uchiha Sasuke."


HAI !!! i m the author , this is my first fanfic i hope u will like me and my story . Andi am a frequent updater, i will always uptade like in 2-3days . I am deleting my earlier story always by your side.




Disclaimer-I donot own naruto

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