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Hey, everyone! Welcome to our newest session📢📢

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Hey, everyone! Welcome to our newest session📢📢

This week, We come bearing good news and bad news. The good news is that the duration for assignment completion has been extended to three weeks. This means you will have a period of 21 days to finish every assignment. Consequently, BOTW will now be BOTM. Hopefully this extention will be enough for everyone to finish all assignments.

The bad news is that all those on hiatus for the past two to three months, have been removed from the club. From here on, hiatus will not extend past one month. After every month, our reading chests will be up to date with only books of existing and participating members.

There are some other changes in the club which are as follows:

1| Number of chapters to be read is now 4 chapters for normal pairing and 3 chapters for BOTW.

2|Number of words of review will be 80. A total of 20 shorty shorts comments littered through the the first three chapters and the actual review in bulk at the end of the fourth chapter, marked with the tag.

Please understand that nobody expects you to be the intellectual equal of the book's author , but your careful observations can provide you with the raw material to make reasoned judgments about the book you're reviewing.

■ Did the first sentence or paragraph or chapter present enough hook to keep you fliping pages?

■ Did the characters feel relatable?

■ Did the writer succeed in the idea they were trying to convey in the chapters?

■Was there an Info dump that made the paragraphs too heavy and unnecessary?

■ Was the grammar on point?

■ How was the pacing of the plots in the chapters read?

The writer who wants to improve their craft would want to know the anwers to all these questions. That is why we are now expecting reviews to answer all these questions. Use them as guidelines to guide your 60 word review at the end of the fourth chapter.

Below are the list of members and books that have been removed some had left the club and some had their accounts deleted:

1|SapphireGarton "The Cure"

2|PaleAire "Dear Future Husband"

3|RyZIzZle "The Nemesis of Dylan Ryker."

4|Kerlysham40818 " Alice"

5|DeathUnicorn2203 "Ouroboros"

6|jasminestars "The Radiants"

7|Charanya9602 "My Awakening"

8| Fangirlfantasizing
"Identities, Responsibilities and Love."

9|playingthefool "Unloved"

10|cthrcsts "If We Could Just Pretend."

11| lollitagirl21 "The Darkest Storm."

12|FairWinter "All That We Lost"

"Dispel My Fear and Bring Me Life."

The following are on hiatus but have till the ending of this month to report:

1| Writinggirl_99

2| _rainynightslover


4| YiLinOoi





8| _fateehat

9 feechi17

Note: In the eventuality that a removed person desires to re-enter, they'd have to re-apply stating just that and their application will be considered.

Session 8 will be in the next part>>

Readers For Keeps Book Club [ Closed ]Where stories live. Discover now