The Fight

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"Run," Sarah looked straight into Peter's eyes. "Grab your suit, go, I'll be okay."
"Are you sure?"
Peter ran to the hotel to grab his Spider-Man suit while Sarah ran to Fury. More loud shots came.
"FURY! What's going on?"
He and Maria were busy frantically paging people and calling them. "Stay calm."
Sarah huffed in annoyance. She held her hands out and produced flames. Running to the source of sound while people ran away was a challenge. She got punched in the shoulder by a guy running away and almost pushed over by two people.
Sarah ran into an alley to identify the shot sounds. At the end of the alley stood a dark figure with glowing eyes. She couldn't identify the figure's uniform but knew that whoever or whatever it was was evil.
Sarah allowed the flames to engulf her entire body, threatening the figure. The figure moved closer to her. Before Sarah could identify what it was wearing, a familiar face swung through the alley. Spider-Man had arrived. He swung at the figure, exposing him in the process.
The figure was a man and that man wore a green robe with black robes underneath. He didn't wear shoes but was in fact floating.
"You ready?" Peter questioned Sarah.
Sarah nodded.
The two fought against the man who was later announced as the Apocalypse. Nothing would break that man, though.
Until Sarah finally realized what she had to do. She had to unleash her power.
"Sarah, you can do it," Peter encouraged her. "I promise, you can."
  "Unleash your power against me!" Apocalypse yelled, challenging her.
  Sarah breathed in and channeled her abilities. The words of her father shone through her struggle. "Bring your full power."
  Sarah squeezed her eyes shut and let go. The fire from within her burst out.
  Apocalypse started to burn and whither away from the blast. "Damn you!!" He yelled before being blown to smithereens. His ashes swirled around in a mist before he completely died.
  Sarah breathes well again and looked up to find Peter but couldn't find him. She did a 360 turn but didn't see him.
  "Peter? Peter?! PETER!" No answer. The alley was quiet. No sign of Spider-Man.
  "Fury?" Sarah spoke into her wallow-talkie. "Where's Peter?"
  Static came from Fury's end until she heard him whisper, "He's not here."
  Sarah could feel a piece of her heart breaking. Where could he be? He had been there only five minutes ago.
  Giving up, Sarah began walking back to the hotel. When she arrived, she limped up to her room because of her scraped knee.
  12 was her room number. She slid the card into the slot and limped into the room. The lights were off and when she turned them on, she saw a badly blooded up Peter Parker lying on the bed opposite hers.

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