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Me and my friends were walking to school the next day. "Why do we have to go to this rotten hell" Jake said "because we're still kids dingle bat" Lucy said kicking a rock. I laughed at how silly they were. Then we hear a loud engine and turn to see a fast car the window roll down. Then a gun started shooting out the window. Lucy and me screamed and we ducked. Finally the car when by I slowly looked around kinda dizzy and sole Jake on the ground bleeding "JAKE" I heard Lucy scream. I could do anything couldn't move or talk I was scard. I started to cry. Lucy was trying to do CPR on him while cry her eyes out. I looked around and sole Jasper running to Jake to help. Me I still couldn't move I was petrified and scard. Finally I ran to them and was trying to help. Finally he woke up with a gasp. Lucy cried out of happiness and hugged him carefully. I cried to and Jasper hugged me. After that uncle Roman can to get us and take us to his house so I could patch up Jake. I was the only one who knew how to do it so I am going to. He was laying on his bed, it was just me and him in the room he didn't want the others to worry. So thair we are me doing stitches "I think that was Shaw" he said finally I looked up at him with big eyes "are you sure?" I asked looking back down to do my work "yes remember when we were little and our parents used to tell us stories about thair adventures and him" Jake asked "yeah" I said while putting in another stitch. "Should we tell our parents" I ask him "no we shouldn't" Jake said shaking his head. I nodded "you know after all the years I've known you I know you like Lucy" I said while smirking "n-no" he said "your stuttering Soo" I said looking at him. "Well maybe alittle" he said finally admitting "your secret is good with me" I said finally finishing. I looked at him and we smiled and each other. Then I told the others they could come in. While we did we we're putting points on how we thought it was Shaw we put the pieces together to "Shaw has a kid" Lucy said.

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