he loves you

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We are still stuck in chairs. Since newt and Lucy we're by each other they were both holding hands because they were both scard. I smiled at them it was cute it really was. Then I remember the pocket knife I had it was in my sock so I did what I only thought of and leaned back and the chair fell over. I groaned alittle "Taylor what in the bloody-" newt started but I was talking "grab that knife in my sock" I told him. He nodded and grabbed it "alright now free yourselves" I told them. He nodded and cut Lucy free, then himself, then Thomas. Before they could untie me "go tou still have to save the others" I whispered shouted. "What?!!?" Newt said "go get the others, get out of here then I'll hopefully find you guys again" I told them "no your my best friend are you on crack or something. Like Thomas what kind of drug is it" Lucy said looking around then pointing at Thomas "I'm on nothing just go" I told them. "No a good friend never leaves another behind" Lucy said and roughly took the pocket knife from newt and untied me. "Fine let's go" I said. We all nodded and ran to find the others.
      Lucy POV (oo didn't expect that): so here we are running around like lost puppies trying to find thair mother. "Seriously I don't know we're they are" Taylor said then I heard a noise "guys did you hear that or am I going nuts" I said most likely going crazy "no I heard it too" newt said. We heard it again and ran to the noise to see. Jake, Nicky, and Jasper "guys?!?" I heard Taylor say. "How did you guys get out" I asked "the walls" Nicky said simply "we we're looking for you guys WAIT A MINUTE who are these guys" Jake asked annoyed. I rolled my eyes "this is newt and Thomas the boys that were on the train" Taylor explained "wow already replaced us" Jasper said "oh my gosh not now" I yelled annoyed "let's just get out of here" newt said clearly annoyed. Eventually we got out now we're camping talking about Jessie and explaining to the others. "So you and newt" Jake asked we were in the corner so no one could hear us "no" I said simply. "K" he said smiling "what's with the smirk" I said turning to him "you like him don't you" he asked. I couldn't talk so I nodded "wow after all these years I thought you would notice" he said turning away annoyed "what" I asked confused "I LOVE YOU K" he shouted. I was kinda taken back. Before I could say anything he walked away I turned to Taylor and everyone is looking at me sadly even newt.

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