who are you

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So here we are we're speeding down the road to the spot so we can plan. Today the plan was to rob a train and see if Shaw or the kid shows up. Finally we got to the spot and  so what's first" I ask leaning on my car. "Well here I made these it should help" Lucy said hanging us little ear bud things "what do they do" I ask looking at them "you put it in your ear it can contact us when we are separated" Lucy said explaining. I nodded "let's get this party started" I said jumping up and down and getting in my car. First Jasper when out then Lucy, then me, then Nicky, then Jake. "Hey go alittle faster!" I yelled in the mic in my ear "oh come on Taylor we're going 130" I heard Jasper say "I don't care let's roll" I said and when faster. "I see the train" I heard Lucy say "copy" I said in the mic with everyone else. We parked our cars and got out me, and Lucy we're going in first. So we parked I got in with Jasper and Lucy got in with Jake. "Alright guys lets go" Nicky said starting his car amd speeding away we did the same. Finally the train stopped at a train station me and Lucy got out of the car and snuck into the back cart of the train. The train started moving as soon as we got on so we had the boys alittle ways away but we're following without getting caught. Me and Lucy are hiding untill we are ready. Then we heard an thud on the top of the train "guys what's going on" i said threw the mic. "I don't" I heard Jake say. Then the door of the train opened and thair stood people we didn't know an Blondie and an brown head "who the hell are you" I ask standing up "the names newt and Thomas" Blondie says. This changes everything.

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