Isn't who he says he is

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Disclaimer: Song isn't owned by me, neither is Minecraft FNaF, the usual. xD

I started to talk to Purple guy; I slipped some interesting  information out of him that Freakshow Baby would kill him for. 

I found out that ScrapTrap just so happened to be another villain, who was pretending to be one of the good guys, but he really was going to try to get the voice a body. 

I had to act fast to make sure that he couldn't give the voice a body. 

I got out a cage, that I built out of metal from storage, and held him above the cage by the scruff of his neck, holding a knife up to his throat. 

I, however, was stupid enough to not explain this to the others. They were now staring at me like I was insane. 

I then started to explain, and then everyone got out flint and steel as I spoke, looked outraged. They then approached him to burn him, and he attacked me, breaking my right eye. "AAAAAAGH" I screamed out in pain, putting a hand over my damaged eye. 

That just made them even angrier, and they burned him. 

Later, I had an eyepatch put on. "Hey, I look like a pirate again!" 

Multiple hours later...

I went to my kids' house for a while, and there, we encountered Freakshow Baby. She then ripped my right hand off, saying I didn't need it. She took it. She's so odd! Who rips off someone HAND and steals it, walking away?!? Apparently, Freakshow Baby does. 

I got my hand replaced by a hook. "Aye, I look like me'self again!" Mangle then asked confused, "Why are you talking more pirate-e? And what do you mean 'yourself'?" I then replied, "Oh, sorry! I went back to the default pirate voice setting. As for myself, I mean that I was Foxy the pirate back around 87', with my friends,  Bonnie, Chica, and Freddy. Golden Freddy was there, too." 

My daughters looked at me like I was crazy, so I stopped talking. 'It's been a long day' is a serious  understatement. I lost a hand, and went blind in one eye, and found out that a friend was a traitor all in one day. 

Word count: 364 words

Well, that's all for now! See you all later! OwO

10:03 am, 6/11/19

Five Nights at Baby's- A Minecraft Five Nights At Freddy's FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now