It happened

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Disclaimer: I don't own FNaF, or the main menu music for the first game, either. 

It has been months since the voice took control, and we thought it was alright. But something 

Then, I heard it. 

"Hello there~"

     "Voice?!? What are you doing?!?" I screamed, terrified.

"Oh, you'll see~"

        "AAAA-CK-AAAAA-CKCKKKKkkkk..." I screamed and sparked, and then blacked out. 


Voice: "Hello, Baby~"

Baby: "What are you doing?"

Voice: "Oh, nothing. There's something for you in the garbage chute~"

Baby: "Foxy, are you ok?"

Voice: "It isn't Foxy. ĮT'S MĘ"

*The voice controlling Foxy pushes Baby into the garbage chute*


Ballora: "Baby?"

Baby: "HELP ME!"

*Ballora throws Baby a ladder*

*Baby climbs up*


"Huh? What happened?" I stated. 

Ballora then practically screamed, "You pushed Baby down the garbage chute!!!"

I was locked in a room for the next week. 

Word count: 127 words

Ok, I'm posting another. I have been writing for only about 13 minutes, according to the music. Kinda makes sense, I already have summaries written down for the whole book. Only for this book, though.  xD

9:04 am, 6/13/19

Five Nights at Baby's- A Minecraft Five Nights At Freddy's FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now