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WHEN CORBYN TURNED six, he wanted it to be a huge deal.
jonah was already six, so now he could amount to jonah's age; and if jonah was as cool as he was at six, corbyn could be that cool when he was six too.
corbyn was too excited for jonah to arrive at his house.
his parents were in the living room while he was in his bedroom, attempting to tie his shoes.
his small fingers were trembling with excitement, unable to properly get the job done.
when the doorbell rang, he raced out of his room, shoelaces long forgotten.
his mother called his name and he turned his head, foot catching the edge of the coatrack in the foyer.
he crashed to the floor, head colliding with the wall. pain bloomed in his left arm, nose and head. his fingers colored with blood as he cupped his nose.
he winced as the coatrack clattered to the ground behind him.
he could hear the footsteps of his parents and jonah, but he only paid attention to pain in his body.
"what happened?" saskia asked exasperatedly as ray scooped corbyn into his arms.
corbyn didn't answer, only whined and cried.
he loaded the boy into the white enclave, next to jonah.
"can you tell me what happened?" ray asked, wiping blood away from the cut on corbyn's forehead.
corbyn only whimpered, turning his head.
"will you tell jonah?" he opened his eyes at the mention of jonah, closing them back almost immediately.
"ow," he whispered.
"tell jonah what happened," ray said, getting into the driver's side.
"what happened, corbyn?" jonah mumbled, placing his hand on corbyn's.
"fell. hurts."
"what hurts?" saskia asked as she sped down the street.
"hand, face," corbyn said directly to jonah, only raising his voice slightly for the last part. "everything."
saskia only frowned and sped up.
after the doctors took corbyn, ray called jonah's parents and told them their location.
jonah's parents were there as soon as they could, worried terribly.
"what happened?"
"he only told jonah."
"why?" timothy picked up jonah, eyebrows furrowed.
"beats me."
"what do you think, jonah?"
jonah shrugged his small shoulders.
"best friends tell each other everything."
ray sighed, but smiled a bit.
sooner or later, saskia walked back out to her husband, jonah and his parents.
"he broke his wrist, bruised his nose and bit his tongue. he'll need stitches and surgery for his arm, but nothing else. he's asleep and they'll be moving him to an actual room soon."
ray frowned.
"jesus, what even happened?"
"well, his shoes weren't tied so i'm guessing that had something to do with it."
the next morning, jonah begged his parents to skip school and visit corbyn with the bessons.
of course they obliged, they felt bad for jonah. jonah had cried for hours on end when he went home.
he missed corbyn and he never got to celebrate his birthday.
in corbyn's hospital room, the boy lay propped up on his pillows, staring at the tv.
he had a cast on his arm and a bandage over the stitches on his forehead. saskia sat at his bedside, also watching whatever was on the television.
jonah paused in the doorway, confusion written across his face.
ray smiled at the nickname– corbyn absolutely hated when they used to call him that.
corbyn turned his head immediately at the sound of jonah's voice, a loopy smile breaking across his face.
he hadn't smiled since his parents came in the room at seven that morning.
"jonah," he said excitedly.
he giggled as jonah rushed over to him.
"are you okay?"
corbyn shrugged as best he could with one arm.
"i'm sleepy."
jonah frowned.
"go to sleep!"
when corbyn was released from the hospital, jonah was buzzing with excitement.
he was waiting at home on the front steps. he knew of the surprise party his and corbyn's parents were throwing corbyn, since his birthday was a few days away.
he gasped whenever any white suv drove past his house.
he actually stood up when the bessons' familiar car turn into the driveway, grinning excitedly.
the front door opened and his parents stepped out behind him.
corbyn squirmed out of the backseat, trying to position his arm to where his wrist wouldn't get hurt.
he ran to jonah and threw his arms– arm– around his neck.
"missed you, jo jo."
"i missed you too."
the four parents smiled.
"well corbyn," timothy said. "jonah has a gift that he never got to give you on the day of your party, inside."
"so let's go in," saskia said excitedly.
the parents went first, jonah and corbyn coming in close.
the living room was decorated with corbyn's favorite colors, blue and green.
corbyn paused, eyebrows knitted together.
"since you didn't get to celebrate on monday, we thought you'd want to now, even though your birthday isn't for a bit," his mother explained.
jonah placed his gift bag in corbyn's good hand, smiling wide.
corbyn sat on the floor, tearing into the gift.
inside sat an unnecessarily large amount of candy, a new t-shirt with the nasa logo on it and a bracelet which matched jonah's.
he looked up at jonah with a grin. jonah grinned back, practically bouncing on his feet.
"happy birthday."
"s'not my birthday yet!"
"still." jonah fake pouted, grin spreading over his lips again nearly immediately.
"thank you."
corbyn fumbled to his feet, wrapping his arms around jonah again.
"wait," jonah said, pulling away from him.
"are we still best friends?"

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