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NOVEMBER 25, CORBYN didn't even try to contain his excitement. he was finally sixteen and two thirty couldn't come fast enough for him.
at one thirty, he was dressed, ready and pacing in front of the mirror.
at almost exactly one forty five, his mother knocked on the bathroom door.
"me and your father are heading out, can i have a hug? i haven't even given you your gift."
he unlocked the door and opened it, smiling as he came face to face with his mother.
"hey, mama." she enveloped him in her arms.
"can't believe you're kicking us out of our own house just so you can party with your little buddies," ray said from behind saskia.
"you get a full weekend off of my shenanigans, though."
"don't... say shenanigans, i don't like that word."
saskia pulled back from the hug and grabbed a small wrapped box off of the table in the hallway.
"you are not allowed to open this until we're home and you're no longer under the influence."
"i don't drink, ma."
"jonah tells me everything, sweetheart," she smiled, planting a kiss on her son's forehead. "now, i'll see you monday afternoon."
corbyn watched his parents leave the house before he checked the time.
1:52 pm.
a momentary buzz of excitement washed over him.
his phone vibrated with two notifications as he turned the lights off in the bathroom.

jo 🥺💛
on my way!

jo 🥺💛
**omw wtf

he smiled at the two messages and pocketed his phone.
before he could even get all the way down the stairs, his doorbell rang.
he opened the door to jonah.
"happy birthday," jonah said, opening his arms for a hug.
after the hug, corbyn crossed his arms over his chest.
"where's my gift?"
"your gifts are in my car. i wanted to say happy birthday before you ignore me completely."
"i would never!"
jonah shook his head as he headed back to his car. he got the two presents from the backseat and carried them to corbyn.
"why're there two, again?"
"because," jonah said, sitting down on the couch next to corbyn. "one is stuff you wanted and one is stuff i bought you months in advance."
when jonah finished explaining, corbyn unwrapped the first box. he opened it, finding all four of the things on the wishlist he'd given jonah.
the three rings he'd desperately begged almost everyone he knew for; the journal he'd seen in target and would probably never use; a new speaker, since his was absolutely destroyed during the halloween party, and the phone case he swore he wouldn't spend his own money on.
just as he began to open the second one, a harsh knock sounded at the front door.
"um, if i'm being honest? i'd rather open this when we're alone, jo."
jonah shrugged.
"that's fair, i guess."
"thanks for the gifts though, i'll entirely thank you tomorrow though." he pressed a kiss to jonah's cheek– a temporary thanks. he reloaded his gifts into the box they cane in.
"i don't know what that means but alright."
"shut up." he placed the boxes atop each other.
"you think you could get the door while i take these upstairs?"
jonah opened the door, immediately wanting to close it back.
"oh, hey daniel. uh, corbyn's putting his gifts upstairs. he'll be back in a bit."
jonah took his seat on the couch again, not sparing so much as another glance at daniel.
as much as corbyn liked daniel, he absolutely did not trust him.
when corbyn came back downstairs, he made a sound jonah had never heard come from his best friend.
"dani! you're early!"
daniel pressed a kiss to corbyn's neck before wrapping him in a hug.
"happy birthday, baby."
jonah wanted nothing but to go home until the party actually started, but he refused to possibly leave daniel and corbyn to mess around on the couch he sat on everyday.
"so, should we start setting up or whatever? since it's almost two thirty?" he asked rather loudly.
daniel pulled away from corbyn and glanced at jonah.
"i guess he's right. i brought liquor if you're interested."
as time progressed, more guests arrived and helped get the living room ready for the night of fun.
by two thirty, all fifteen guests were in the living room and daniel was already tipsy.
"you good?" jonah asked when daniel simply looked on at the party going on around him.
when he didn't answer, jonah placed his hand on daniel's shoulder.
"yes," daniel snapped, jerking away from jonah in a sudden motion. "i'm fine, marais. don't–don't touch me, though."
to avoid an argument, jonah walked away from daniel to find corbyn.
"bean," he mumbled when he found him.
"what's up with your boyfriend?"
corbyn turned away from jack and aspen.
"what do you mean?"
"he's like... standing there. and when i asked if he was okay he just snapped at me."
"he's had a few drinks, he'll be fine in the morning."
"you're saying you're used to that shit?"
corbyn only offered a shrug.
"ok, well we won't have this conversation on your birthday. uh, have you had your first drink as a sixteen year old yet?"
"no," corbyn laughed.
"so let's go fix that."
from there, the night only progressively got worse.

i didn't want this to run over 1k words so enjoy ur cliffhanger 😎!

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