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WHEN CORBYN WENT home, it was sunday afternoon and his parents were home. he'd begged them to come back a day early.
he pushed the memory of his birthday party out of his brain when his parents welcomed him.
"i'm surprised the house is still intact," ray laughed as he looked around the living room.
"there were only sixteen people here."
"so where's the mess?"
"i cleaned it up, i'm not some dirty kid."
saskia sat down on the couch, patting the cushion next to her for corbyn to sit on.
"tell me about your party, hon."
"well, jonah came early and gave me two different gifts, one was the things i asked for and the other was the things he already bought. i think that's what he said, i haven't opened the second one. uh, then daniel came," he quickly steered the conversation from his boyfriend. "and then all of the guests came and my party went on."
"speaking of gifts, you should open mine."
corbyn nodded and went to his bedroom, retrieving the gift his mother gave him the day before.
he retreated back downstairs, shaking the box in attempt to guess what it was.
he sat down next to his mother and stared down at the nicely wrapped box.
"you gonna open it or stare at it until it opens itself?"
he laughed and ripped the wrapping paper off, suddenly growing nervous. he lifted the top of the box, eyes falling on two pieces of paper.
"turn them over, corbyn."
he flipped them over, eyes widening at the sight.
two plane tickets to los angeles, set to takeoff in a week.
"you can take whoever you want, but i couldn't find anything else that could've possibly excited you."
corbyn wrapped his arms around his mother, pressing a kiss to her cheek excitedly.
thirty minutes later, he knocked on the front door of the frantzichs' house, bouncing on the heels of his feet.
harper pulled the door open and stepped back.
"hey, corbyn. he's in the kitchen."
corbyn walked past the woman and to the kitchen, where jonah sat expectantly.
"what's up?"
corbyn only handed one of the tickets over, smiling widely.
"what am i supposed to do with this?"
"go to l.a. with me."

i did sm for the next few chapters i'm excited to post them 😎

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