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WHEN JONAH WOKE up, aspen couldn't keep herself from laughing when he walked into the living room.
"nothing. but mom said you better be clean when you get home, so brush your teeth or whatever."
it was obvious jonah didn't remember much from the night before, and that didn't shock aspen. the first time jonah had gotten drunk–his sixteenth birthday– he didn't even remember his birthday had occurred.
"what time is it?"
"12:03. dad wants to go out for dinner at six, so you have until then, i guess."
aspen went back to her phone and jonah went upstairs.
"corbyn, you up here?"
"yes," corbyn called, voice quiet from his bedroom.
"hey, i just wanted to apologize for getting shitfaced last night. i don't even remember getting in the treehouse, to be honest."
corbyn abruptly sat up.
"yes...? why? is that an issue?"
"do you remember anything from last night?"
"not really. i have faint memories of calling you baby though," jonah laughed. "sorry about that, by the way."
corbyn laughed nervously.
"alright. alrighty then." he didn't know why jonah's forgetfulness angered him, but it truly did. he should've been happy if anything. but instead, he desperately wanted jonah to remember the kiss they shared.
the sloppiness of it; the way nothing really mattered when the kiss happened.
"are you okay, corbyn?"
"yes, why wouldn't i be?"
jonah blinked in confusion and shook his head.
"anyways, do you know where my phone is?"
"might be in the treehouse."
"are you sure you're okay?"
"yes, god! i'm fine, what do i need to do to convince you?"
corbyn turned his back to jonah and scowled down at his phone.
he shouldn't have been angry at jonah, and he shouldn't have felt the way he did towards him, especially when the feelings were most definitely not mutual.
he listened as jonah exited his bedroom and turned back around.
he needed a plan, a plan to get over jonah.
he had something in mind; or someone rather.

this is short but the main drama happens uhh soon 👀.
oh and b t w if updates are sparse it's bc i have summer reading or whatever and this dumb fuck of a book is 622 pages long and school starts next month. so no, i'm not ab to fail my first test of the school year so 🤪 no complaints; beggars can't be choosers bb. i'm tryin.
plus, keep ur eyes out for 2 new jorbyn books, a new zonah book, as well as a new 🥁🥁🥁 dorbyn book! (finally a new ship, sis 😔)
but be excited, 2/4 of these have happy endings!
it's probably gonna be just the uhh prologues and the first chapters tbh .
anyways that was too too long, but yeah, be excited 😚!

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