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ALAS, THIS BOOK has met its actual end, as upsetting as it may be for me.
but before we get to that, we never learned what jonah got corbyn for his birthday, to my knowledge. it was simply a repeated gift from corbyn's sixth birthday after he broke the shit out of his arm: a matching bracelet (hence the asking about it in chapter whomever), a nasa tShIrT and an irrelevantly large amount of candy. the ultimate ten year challenge: remembering what you bought your best friend for their sixth birthday.

back to our regularly scheduled program;

i spent a total of three months and a day on this story. it's caused me so much stress, yet so much happiness. your comments have encouraged and excited me most through my writer's block in the process of this book, and just my moments of dire stress, period. i would laugh at your comments at different points in the day and i'd look stupid because i'm just like, chilling, laughing like an idiot.
also, as i write this, this book is almost at 3k, when we only more recent hit 2k and if we're being honest... imma cry when we do it.
basically, all the thanks goes to you all and my lovely lovely editor & ibf (who happened to write literally ninety percent of this story), whom i will not name because she doesn't wanna be named so we gotta respect her privacy 😔!
anyway, i have to bring this to an end with another thank u and telling u how much happiness u all have given me.
i would hope u enjoyed reading this as much as i enjoyed ur 'company.'
that's a wrap ladies n gents!
i l a v a u sm and i hope ur living ur best life & thriving the most 😎🤠.

F I N .
A D I O S .
T H E E N D .
C O N G R A T S .
B U E N O S D I A S .
B U E N O S N O C H E S .

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