*Request for Jaymarie_18* Ant-man and Wasp

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*Author's note*

Hey guys well as a first part for the pt.2 book of my random x teen/child readers fic I present to you my very first Antman and wasp request.  From day one that I saw Antman I just fell in love with Scott Lang and Hope (she's a badass). So I hope for the requestor I first apologize for the shortness but I did fill it with as much fluffiness as you wanted for a family playtime scenario. Anyways no warnings at all except for TOOTH ROTTING FLUFF. More updates to come soon, enjoy my lovelies :)

Hide and seek champion

Antman and Wasp x child reader


I quickly raced up to the attic where I knew the red wardrobe was. I opened it up before closing it and hid as far back as I could and tried to stop my giggles from coming. That had always been the reason why they kept finding me.

"Where are you hiding at?" I heard her say. I covered my mouth with my hands trying not to laugh as I could hear her footsteps getting closer and closer. "I'm coming to find you little morsel." She taunted.

"She'll never find me in here." I muttered silently to myself.

"What was that? Was that my little snack I just heard?" Darn it. I heard the footsteps coming closer to the wardrobe and when the doors opened, I immediately raced out laughing and exclaiming trying to run away from the cunning sorceress.

As I raced down the stairs I was suddenly picked up and heard the sound of roaring and growling.

"And what is this we have here? A nasty little witch coming to attack the fairy king of DuLoch?" I was then given raspberries on my tummy as I felt fingers tickling all over me.

"Nohohoho I'm nohahaha a whihihihihich!"

"How can you be sure?" I looked up at the fairy king and said.

"Because witches aren't ticklish."

"Okay so you are human then, sorry for the mistaken identity. With the sorceress out, I thought she had taken you under her wing and turned you into a bad witch."

"Well she almost caught me but I escaped just in time your majesty." I said.

"You weren't followed were you?" he asked me.

"I don't think so."

"Think again." We heard her voice and we both cried out.

"Retreat!!!" The fairy king and I raced outside into our secret castle we had forged outside in the garden.

"You think she followed us?"

"I don't know, maybe one of us should peek out and check." We looked at each other before the fairy king peeked out from the wall before coming back down and he said.

"The coast is clear."

"You really believe that?" we both gasped before we felt arms wrap around us and I felt raspberries along my neck as well as wet kisses suddenly the fort came down and all that could be heard was laughter as we fell out of the fort.

"Mama how do you always find us?" I asked.

"A sorceress never reveals their secrets. Especially if they're the champions of hide and seek."

"Next time though Hope, I will outsmart you. Hey, you—won't tell Sam about that scream I just made right?" daddy said.

"Now why would I ever do something like that?" mommy said sneakily.

"Let's play another game!" I proclaimed.

"Oh no, it's time for your nap little missy." Mommy said.

"Awww, do I have to?"

"Yes, less you wanna get a surprise visit from the tickle monster!" I was brought into her arms and she began to tickle me. I squirmed in her arms for a brief second before she quickly stopped just as she had started. "Okay little monkey, let's get you inside." I was picked up and taken up into my room.

I was placed on my bed and tucked in. Mommy and daddy both sat on each side of my bed and I let out a yawn and said tiredly.

"Can you play after my nap?"

"We'll see. Remember that nana and grandpa are coming today."

"Oh yeah I forgot."

"So you get some sleep so that you're not tired when you meet them."


"Sleep tight sweetheart." Mommy said as she kissed my forehead.

"Have a good nap monkey." Said daddy as he kissed the top of my head. I let out a loud yawn before finally cuddling into my pillow and fell fast asleep for my nap.

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