Want to join the fam?; 13th Doctor x child reader

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*Author's note*

Hey fam well here we go with yet ANOTHER Doctor who fic (most of these updates will be Doctor who based since those are most of the requests I've still got on my tumblr) so yeah expect some more DW fics in the next few months or so along with one Maevel fic. Anyways I hope you all enjoy this fic and I hope I didn't make anyone OOC cause I felt like I did toward the end with the climax part with the antagonist.

Warnings: Child neglect, manourishment, captivity of human life, some angst but also fluff.  


I've been in this prison for—what feels like forever. In fact I think it has been forever. For as long as I can remember, I've been the possession of a man known as The Collector due to me being the last of the Timelords. At first I didn't know myself what I was, all I knew was that every now and then right at the point of death from malnourishment, my body grew warm and my appearance would change.

When the Collector first saw my change firsthand, he moved me from one cell to another where I had nothing but needles shoved into my arms and every now and then he not only took my blood but there was also this glowing gold light that would also go up into a canister and once it got full after a month of draining, he'd take it away and replace it with a new one.

On and on this went on and I began to think that this was to be my life for the rest of my days. I couldn't die because all I would do was regenerate into a different person. I was beginning to think that I would never get out of this horrible place, that the Collector would continue to misuse and neglect me.

That was until.......she came into my life.

I was trying to sleep in my 4x4 cell (it is not comfortable let me just tell you that) when I heard a knock at the solid glass of my prison. There I saw the Collector standing there, his eyes full of obsession as usual. His mouth gaped in awe as he said.

"Today is the day my little one." Oh yeah that's right. I'm dying today. The Collector has even gone far as to make a schedule for when I'm to be expecting to regenerate. My current 12 year old body had been put through countless hours of testing, blood draining, neglect, and aura extraction. And now the time has come for me to regenerate once again.

"I can't believe it's been your 9th change and you've given me more money and immortality than I could ever hope for." Oh yeah I forgot to mention this one little detail.

Sometimes when the Collector is in his greatest moods, when the Tourist season arrives, hell have his greatest displays out for the public for all the gawk, point and take pictures of. I was displayed when I was in the process of my 3rd change so everyone got to see me transform from a small 4 year old white child, to an 11yr. old brown skinned girl.

Now that it was time for me to regenerate once more and it was the day tourists from around the galaxy, and across space and time for them to come see his fantastic collection of mistreated, abandoned and unwanted things.

"Now then remember to make this your grandest metamorphosis yet. And also try not to burn any of the clients. Always bad for business if someone gets hurt." I didn't respond to him. I never respond to him, no matter what torture he does whenever he tries to make me answer, I don't give him the satisfaction of being broken before him.

He can continue to drain me dry but he'll never break me.

*3rd Person POV*

Meanwhile just in the outskirts of the Collector's shop, the familiar wheeze of the TARDIS soon echoed out. The TARDIS went from a faint image to a full solid picture.

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