Time travel rescue pt. 3; 11th Doctor x teen reader ft. Queen

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*Author's note*

Okay so WARNING GUYS! This one gets a little dark theme wise by mentions of drug related past, neglectful parents, gang activity explicitly stated so if ANY OF THESE MAKE YOU UNCOMFORTABLE I WON'T MAKE YOU READ THIS PART OR AT LEAST THE ENDING OF IT. There's also a scene of attempted murder but NO WORRIES NO ONE DIES (at least not anyone important or sacred) so I hope you all enjoy this chapter as well.


I arrived at the Hammersmith Odeon and snuck past security using my own psychic paper that the Doctor had given me (in fact this is the first time it's worked with just me alone so I was praying that it did. Thank god it did). I told him that I was a new volunteer to Roger's assistant called in to help check in and make sure his drums were in tiptop shape.

Thankfully security at the time of the 1970's just let anyone come in and out, not as fully overprotective as they are nowadays. I walked through the doors and soon came onto the stage and I just took it all in. I myself had never been to the Odeon theater, but I knew every square inch from the concert footages Queen did every time they performed here, and I couldn't believe my luck that I was actually here, here.

As I walked closer to the stage, I was in awe to see Roger's drum kit all set up and ready for rehearsal. I couldn't help myself as I walked right up onto the stage and stood right before his drumkit, my eyes immediately catching the Queen logo on it designed by Freddie Mercury himself.

"Hello gorgeous." I whispered as I very slightly stroked one of the crash cymbals. I walked around the back and couldn't help myself but sit down and I stroked along the floor toms where Roger was most known for pouring his beer on at the time to make it go really high once he hit it to make it theatrical and rock-n-roll.

I then noticed his drumsticks sitting on top of the one of the two middle toms and I couldn't help but grab them. Just touching them felt like I was touching something created only by the gods of drums themselves. I twirled one of the stick very skillfully in my hand, much like how Roger does and I thought about what to play.

I knew I couldn't risk playing any of their future work (which is a shame cause not to brag I could play a mean Hammer to fall) but there were still plenty of choices to play that involved the guys' early works.

So I decided to try my hand at playing the solo I knew he would play at the live performance Christmas eve, because besides the solo at Montreal 1981, the drum solo he did here for the Christmas eve performance at the Hammersmith was one of my favorite drum solos for Keep yourself alive.

I heard the tune in my head and did my best to replicate each of his movements that I saw him do time and time again every time I would watch that concert. I hit the bass drum when needed, the middle toms and the cymbals were the ones that got struck the most, I played the cowbell when it called for it, and I rhythmically beat down on the floor toms when needed.

I'll admit there was a slipup here and there (cause hey I hadn't even reached my five year marker from self-drum lessons). When I knew the drum solo ended I struck the cymbals one last time before grabbing them so that the echo wouldn't last long.

Already I felt winded cause it's been awhile since I drummed with my own kit since I was so busy with the Doctor. But I was shocked when I heard four separate applauses. I turned around and there stood Freddie, Deacy, Roger and Brian all with impressed smiles spread across their faces.

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