A second chance; Pond family x toddler reader

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*Author's note*

Alright so these next two fics sorta go together. I posted up the fic I will post up next first on tumblr then someone asked through an anon request for a prequel story and that is what you all shall read first. In this one you are the Doctor's daughter but then something happened and now you live with the Pond's as they now have to raise you, I won't give the rest away but that's the basic plot. The sequel part will be posted up right after this is posted. Then I'll go through my masterlist on tumblr just to make sure I'm not missing anything else.


A knock was heard at the door of the Pond family. Amy groaned and shook Rory's arm.

"Rory. Rory someone's at the door."

"I didn't hear anything." Rory groaned tiredly.

"Go down and see who it is." Rory groaned but got out of bed and sluggishly headed down the stairs.

When he arrived at the front door, he unlocked it before finally opening it to reveal no one was there. Since this had been a full waste of time, he decided to shut the door and head back up to bed. But just before he fully closed it, a familiar voice rang up.

"Uncah Rory." Immediately his eyes shot up and he became more awake as he opened the door once more and looked down to see (y/n). The Doctor's 2 year old baby girl.

"(Y)—(y/n)?" he gapped out.

"Hiyah Uncah Rory." She smiled and waved happily. Rory immediately picked her up and brought her inside and kept hold of her as he said.

"(Y/n), sweetheart wh—where's your dad at?"

"Daddy? I—I have a daddy?"

"Rory what the he—" Amy's voice soon rang up as she now came downstairs and the second she saw (y/n), her eyes widened and she said to Rory "Is—is that?"

"Mm-hmm." Rory nodded. "But that's not the only thing, she doesn't remember him."

It was at that point the Ponds were beyond confused.

They now had (y/n) in the middle of their living room playing with an old doll that once belonged to Amy when she was a little girl while they stood in the kitchen to talk privately.

"How does she not remember him?" said Amy.

"Maybe something happened and someone wiped her memory of him" Rory suggested.

"Then why hasn't he come here yet? You'd think the Doctor would know immediately where she is since she's connected to the TARDIS."

"You are correct Amy, but this goes a lot deeper than you think." They both turned around and there stood their first born child, Melody or as the galaxy knew her as, Rover Song.

"River." Muttered Amy.

"Hello mum, dad." She said with a solemn smile.

"So what did you mean bigger than we think River?" asked Rory. River sighed solemnly and she answered her father.

"I can't say much, but what I can say is that (y/n) is no longer safe with the Doctor."

"Why what happened? Is he alright? Is he—"

"He's fine mum. He's just.....going through some things at the moment. Remember I am his future, I know everything that is to happen to him and I saw this coming from the moment she was born."

"Did you know she would lose her memory? How was it taken from her?"

"He took it from her. He's done it before but this was the hardest thing he ever had to do. She can no longer remember that her father is the legendary warrior the Doctor. And you both cannot tell her about it either, if even one crack is open in her memory it could cause a chaotic reaction."

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