Chapter 8

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The next morning, poor Alex is being roughly shaken awake by a frazzled Wes. Wes isn't paying much attention however, because he's yet to eat, brush his teeth, comb his, hair or wash his face. Hell, he hasn't even gotten dressed yet.

He needed to hurry up if he wanted to survive the day without gaining a sore bottom.

Alex wasn't in the mood to be awoken at 6 o'clock in the morning. In fact he was in th mood for an extra five hours of sleep. But unfortunately, that didn't seem likely.

While Wes ran off to accomplish his morning tasks, Alex as left to sit there doing nothing. Well, he could bee doing something, but he'd rather not.

Ollie however was right on track which was surprising to say the least. His hair was combed, his face was washed and he was busy eating breakfast while he finished up his remaining homework.

He had a feeling Harry would be proud of him.

Speaking of Harry, he was taking a shower after returning from his morning run. He was in a bit of a hurry because he had to take Alex to Brendon house before taking himself and the boys to school.

After his shower he combed his hair and got dressed, going downstairs to eat breakfast. He expected to see his two little brothers and Alex sitting at the island eating some stupid sugary cereal, but he only saw Ollie sitting there eating Taoist and doing homework.

He smiled, proud of his little brother.

"Harry! Good morning!"

"Morning Ollie!" Harry said, his proud smile still prominent on his face. "Do you know where the boys are?"

Ollie shook his head and Harry nodded making himself some cereal and sitting next to him.

He was expecting the boys or at least Wes to come downstairs by now but he was again mistaken.

By now he was confused but decided to pay no mind. If Ollie was down here, that meant Wes was ahead. Wes was always ahead.

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Wes was not ahead. He want ahead in the slightest. Harry always woke the boys up at 5:30 in the morning before his run and they were expected to be ready by six o'clock. Six-thirty at the most. But here it was 6:15 and he's only just done his hair.

He went again to check on Alex and realized that the boy still wasn't awake!

Fuck him, he thought. I have more important things to do than waiting around for some stupid twelve year old

The reason he was running do late was because his friends had introduced him to a brand new, absolutely amazing TV show: The Office (U.S.Version)!

It was rated TV 14 and everything, but he was pretty sure Harry wouldn't allow him to watch it. Especially with some new random kid in the house. He figured even if he asked to watch the show, Harry would decide to watch it with him and that was absolutely not okay.

Harry was more like the boys father rather than a brother and who in their right mind wanted to watch Michael Scott saying that's what she said with there helicopter father?

His friend had just recently shown him this "trick" on Netflix that would help him watch forbidden shows and hide them from over protective father-brothers.

All he had to do was add a new account and then delete the account when he was through using it. Then he could easily watch whatever inappropriate shows he wasn't allowed and Harry would never know.

He didn't even bother sharing it with Ollie because he knew the boy would somehow someway tell Harry everything. Then both him and Ollie would be punished big time.

Just for this, he rarely told Ollie anything anymore. The boy was a blabbermouth. Always had been, always will be.

Wes had thrown on some most likely dirty clothes and brushed all the weirdness it of his face. He didn't bother to even wash his face or brush his teeth. Who the Hell would notice anyway?

Rushing down the stairs, he saw that it was 6:27! He silently thanked God that Harry made them leave their phones and backpacks downstairs because if that wasn't a rule, he was sure he would have forgotten something half a million times by now!

He grabbed his phone from off of the island where it was being charged, through it inside his backpack and ran for the fridge. He took out a premade yogurt cup with fruit and granola and stuffed it into the cup holder of his backpack.

Turning around, it was only then that he realized Harry was sitting there. By now both his younger brother and his older brother were staring at him. Harry had a more fierce look about him than Ollie of course.

Gulping, he let out a shudder and said good morning to his siblings.

"Good morning Wes." Harry said rather curtly. "You seem to be in a bit of a rush this morning. May I ask why?"

His voice was to calm and deep and Wes didn't like it one bit.

He couldn't tell him he woke up late because he'd get into trouble. He couldn't tell him he was watching a forbidden show because he'd be in trouble. He especially couldn't tell him that he didn't even bother waking up Alex because well, honestly Alex could fuck himself.

Deciding that both telling the truth and lying were bad choices, he opted for not speaking at all.

Of course, that didn't work out for him in the slightest.

"I'm sorry Wes, I chat hear your head shaking. Explain to me why you haven't eaten or dressed properly. Explain to me why Ollie of all people is ready before you. I'm waiting."

Well shit.

Oh, you know. I was watching a show you certainly would not approve of, messing with the streaming network you're subscribed to so I could hide the fact I'm watching something not allowed and of course didn't wake up your new baby. Just the usual, Harry.

"Got a bit sidetracked, sir. Sorry." Ashamed, or at least pretending to be, he lowered his head as he got an idea. Sure enough his brother questioned him, but luckily, he was able to give him what he thought was a perfect answer.

"Alex just wasn't cooperating. Every time I would wake him, he'd just call asleep. I didn't even realize what time it was."

"So Alex isn't awake right now?"


"And you did everything you were supposed to do?"

"Yep." Alright the first wasn't a lie but this sure was. Next to Harry, Ollie was pretending to do his work, but Wes could see he was listening to every single God damn word.

"Wonderful! I'll wake Alex up, you two get in the car. I'll drop Alex first before we head to school. Oh! I almost forgot." Harry stood from the counter and looked straight into Wes's soul. "I'll give you you're spanking right after school."

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