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Leave Zayn right now.. You have no right on Rubab okay!!!. After whatever you have done do u still think she'll come with you??.

She's my fucking wife and she has to come with me okay....

Ohh really wife??.. Where was the wife when you chose Rabail over Rubab... Huh!!!...

Stay out of it Harris.... You have no right to interfere in our matters...

Yeah yeah personal matter... Rubab is my best friend and I won't let her go with you... The one that chose Rabail over her has come today to ask about Rubab.... Wowww.... Zayn... Wow.!!!...You know what I'm impressed.!!!.

Shut up Harris and let me take Rubab with me..

Never Zayn never!!!. You broked her to a limit where she has started hating you... Did you even know she had feelings for you... She even expressed her love for you and what did you do haan.... You just laughed it off!!.. She hates you Zayn she hates you.... Better stay away from her and let her be herself for once....

Harris I'm saying for the last time I'm here to take Rubab with me if you don't move I'll myself drag Rubab out of this house.... Fuck off now!!....

You won't dare to this Zayn... Leave her for once why do you have to give her more pain isn't that pain enough  for you that you have her... Don't create a scene in my home Zayn just go away or I'll call the guards and they'll kick you out....

What's happening Harris???... Why are you shouting... And.. And what is he doing here...??.

Rubab nothing is happening just go back to your room and don't come out until and unless I tell you... Now go...

Rubab wait...

Just go Rubab don't listen to him... Just go....

Rubab wait and just listen to me... I'm here to take you back home come with me... Please Rubab come with me....

This made me laugh Zayn is here to take me back woww!!!...

Why are you back Zayn whyy!!.... You are here to take me.. Or you can't bare to see that I'm living at my best friend's house..... Hmmm.... Well Zayn Sheikh listen to me I'll never come with you to your bloody fucking house... Where you chose Rabail over me... By the way which house are you talking about Zayn that house where I have no respect... I ain't coming with you Zayn soo kindly fuck off....

You have no right to talk like this or insult me in front of anyone... Got it...

Come now....

Stop dragging me Zayn I don't wanna go with you stop.....

Stop shouting Rubab... And I won't tolerate this shit of yours...

Stop it Zayn stop it.... I hate you I hate you I don't wanna see you please leave me alone... Just give me divorce that's all I want from you just divorce me... You have a beautiful life ahead of you Zayn you have Rabail with you... You have everything soo please leave me and go back to Rabail... She must be waiting for you Zayn please goo.....I'm begging you Zayn go away...

I cried out why does he need me when he has Rabail... What's the use of me now....

Leave my sister alone.....

I turned to the voice and saw Umair standing there with a look that he was ready to kill Zayn anytime.

Leave my sister alone Zayn.. You have no right to take her with you.. You have lost the right that day when you married Rabail and chose her over Rubab.

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