This Is America

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Last week an innocent teen was drug out of a convenient store and stabbed to death.

A perfectly happy and healthy young boy.

Plenty of people recorded the incident, yet nobody stepped up to save the boys life.

Ladies and gentlemen, This is America.

We have separated children from their parents for the past few decades, yet nobody had a problem with it until it was done by someone they didn't like.

Just a month ago I witnessed a security guard and two nurses mistreat a man because of the color of his skin.

This man was in critical condition, yet none of the "Professionals" could care.

This is America!

A young girl stabs a male classmate for lifting up her skirt.

Social media deemed her crazy for trying to stop her attacker.

Brock Turner!

Does anyone remember him?

The man who did 90 days for raping an unconscious woman in an ally.

The judge claimed too much time would affect his swimming career.

I say, it damn wells should have!

Brock later tweeted about how great life was before "her."

Before the girl he raped.

This is America!

A little over a year ago rapper Lil peep overdosed and people tweeted about how "You should have seen it coming" and "He couldn't rap anyway."

His mother tweeted a picture of all the flowers that had been sent to her house.

She told the world how the flowers should have been for his album, not his death.

The world judged him, while his mother's heart broke more and more every day.

Rapper Xxxtentacion was shot was to death in his car and everyone tweeted about how he deserved it because he beat his ex-girlfriend.

Yet when Chris Brown beat Rhianna, women all over the world shared the sad picture of his sad face, sympathizing him because "he felt so bad."

This is America!

Violence, Racism, Sexism, Pedophiles, drugs, and lost souls.

And then there are those of us just trying to make it through it, struggling with the weight of America on our shoulders. 

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