Black Holes

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There I was, surrounded by friends and family, with a smile clear across my face, laughter in my voice.

It wasn't long before the smile faded and the laughter was hushed, but it wasn't by choice.

You see, my mind plays tricks, not the good kind, the kind that sends you spiraling down a black hole, starring at the bottom to find nothing.

A black hole so empty and dark that it feels like I'm being suffocated by my clothing.

And then I'm stuck there, gasping for air, wondering when I fell so low.

Not only that but how, after being here so many times, did I not know?

Know that I was falling deeper and deeper into the pit of loneliness.

It's so dark I can't see, but I can feel the homeliness.

Before I know it, I've been in the same spot so long, I feel like I've become part of the black hole, filling it in with nothing but my pain.

I want so badly to get out, to be free, but what's left to gain?

If life were worth living, I wouldn't have fallen this far, right?

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