Warning Signs

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Robin Williams's smile was enough to mask his sad eyes.

Look closely, into the depths, and you will see him slowly dying inside.

If we would have paid attention, could someone have saved him?

Brittany Murphy's laugh covered her cries for help.

The needle she used to shoot up had "Help me" written across it, but all we saw was the interview of her nodding out.

If we would have paid attention, could someone have saved her?

Kurt Cobain's music hid the broken soul he was hoarding inside.

His music filled our hearts with so much joy, that we didn't notice he was empty.

If we would have paid attention, could someone have saved him?

Chris Farley played happily so well to cover up how much he wanted to die.

His character in Wayne's world caused so many laughs, we didn't see the tears that silently threatened to leave his eyes.

If we would have paid attention, could someone have saved him?

Depression isn't just sitting in a corner by yourself, with tears streaming down your face.

It's walking into work, with the biggest smile sitting on your face, like a band-aid.

Depression isn't just crying loudly in the shower, hoping nobody hears you.

It's laying in your bed for four days straight and not even having the motivation to shower.

Depression isn't your boyfriend wrapping his arms around you and telling you he loves you, or even your mother sitting down and explaining that she feels it too.

It's cleaning your whole house, even though you wanted to kill yourself when you saw the mess.

It's getting up and heading to work with a smile on your face, even though you hate your job.

It's going to the grocery store, even though you know you will be too sad to eat any of the food you bought.

It's going to your daughter's softball game, even though you know ill you will be too tired to yell and be excited as she hits her first home run.

Depression is living when all you want to do is die. 

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