Love the Addict, Hate the Drug

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Love the addict, hate the drug.
Or so they say.
I have.
As a child , I saw my father as a hero for escaping death so many times.
I guess I still could if that hero were meth man and his super power were surviving an overdose.
Love the addict, hate the drug.
My mom has always been an inspiration for her strength and happiness,
But it's easy to feel no pain when you're high.
Love the addict, hate the drug.
I cried for theM when they died,
Thought about the young souls, gone too soon due to unexpected circumstances.
Little did I know drugs were a choice.
Love the addict, hate the drug.
But what do you do when loving an addict tears away at your soul?
Love the addict, hate the drugs.
But what do you do when you realize the addict is just as responsible as the drug.
Love the addict, hate the drug.
But what do you do when hating the addict and loving the drug is so much easier?

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