2-Before part 2

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It has now been 2 years since Kara and Mon El first met. They texted each other every day. They were still just friends at this time, but both really liked each other. They were now 15. They're parents didn't know they texted each other. But that wasn't the worst part. They would sneak out certain day and steal a ship, or just hop on one so that they could visit each other. They couldn't bare to be without each other. They would always hang out as just friends, but that was until one night. Mon El was visiting Kara on Krypton, and they were in her secret garden where she goes to "relive stress" but she actually goes to hang out with Mon El.

"I hope one day our parents stop this war so we can be free to hang out whenever we want." Kara wished

"Yeah, me too, I hate having to come up with an excuse every time I leave. They think I'm hanging out with a bunch of different girls on the planets, and the say it's okay because I'm royalty. But I hate that they think I would be like that. I would never." Mon El explained.

"Yeah, my parents think I'm out partying, but I'm not about that life." She responded.

They sat on the ground looking at the stars. It was silent, but that comfortable silence.

"The stars look beautiful tonight." She beamed

"Yeah, but not as beautiful as you." he complimented turning towards her.

"W-what?" She questioned sitting up.

"Kara when I first met you, I felt this thing I never felt before. I thought it was just because I had finally found a true friend, but after spending all this time with you, I realized it was more. I really, really like you, Kara." He answered.

"Mon El I-" She started.

"It's okay, if you don't like me, I understand, I'll go" he started to get up when he felt her grab his hand and pull him back.

"I really, really like you too." She whispered.

The two began to move closer, and as they were about to kiss there was a big rumbling that knocked them off their feet.

"What the-" Mon El started.

"Stay here, I'll be back." Kara stated.

She walked out of the garden to see her parents.

"Mom, dad, what's happening?" she questioned.

"The planets going to blow up, we have to leave right now!" her father shouted.

"Uhm, o-ok let me just go grab my journal." She stuttered.

"We have to meet you at the ships we can't wait Kara!" he mom replied.

"Ok, I'll hurry." She said as she walked back into the garden. "I'm guessing you heard..." she said to Mon El.

"Yeah, so we should go now, i'll find a ship back to Daxam." he responded.

"No, no I'm coming with you, after all that happened this can't be goodbye. I know you can't leave your plant so I'll come with you." She cried

"Kara you know the air is toxic, you can't stay on there for too long, you'll die." he responded

"I don't know what i'll do without you..." She cried into his shoulder.

"I'll come with you, Kara." he said

"No, I-I can't make you leave your family." She responded

"it's ok, I just want to be with you, let me come with you, don't let our story end here. Please" he pleaded.

"Ok, then let's go to the ships." She answered.

They ran to where the ships were, but when they got there, they only saw 2 small ships and her parents.

"Mom, Dad! Where are the ships." Kara questioned.

"They were all taken by the time we got here, we could only save 2 ships,but they fit one person each, we were going to send you off, and your baby cousin Kal El, so hur- What is he doing here!"Her mother shouted the last part.

"Mom, I really like him, please we need to save him please!" Kara pleaded.

"No, he is not kryptonian! Only you and kal will go, he will find another way!"

Kara turned to Mon El with sorrow in her eyes.

"go" he mouthed.

She ran up to him and hugged him. "I'm sorry" is all she could say.

"It's ok, Kara, I might be able to contact my parents, they can teleport me back home." he said

"But, what if they hurt you for being with me?" she questioned.

"If they do, the memory of our time together will keep me going. Now go, Earth and Kal need you." He soothed.

They gave each other one last tight hug, and off she went in the pod. He watched her fly away, and then he was all of a sudden back on Daxam, and his parents were not happy with him. He heard the boom of krypton exploding, but he was ok because he saw Kara leave. What he didn't see was her pod getting knocked off course.


ok so the next part will be Kara arriving on Earth.

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