7-What does this mean?

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Mon El lifted Kara up and brought her over to the couch were he put her down and then crawled on top of her. One thing lead to another and they ended up in the bedroom with their clothes scattered everywhere. Next thing they knew they woke up next to each other in bed with horrible hang overs.

"Ugh what happened last night?" Kara said to herself.

"Who knows?" Mon El answered.

"Wh- Mon El! What the heck? What's going on." Kara asked very confused.

"Well I guess we know what happened last night." He said rubbing he eyes and sitting up.

"I remember getting drunk, very drunk." Kara said as she put pajama's on and threw Mon El's boxers at him. 

"Stop yelling." Mon El said as he put on his boxers and his t-shirt.

"I'm not ye- whatever. We need to remember what happened." She said as she started to brew coffee.

"Ok, uhm there was a bar, shots, dancing, yelling, you told me you address." Mon El started.

"And you carried me home when I passed out." Kara finished. "And then you said you wanted to date me, and we confessed out feeling's for each other."

"And then you rejected me." Mon El said sitting down.

"And then you got up to leave." Kara said handing him a cup of coffee.

"And then you came onto me as I was leaving." Mon El said pulling out a chair for Kara to sit in.

"AND THEN WE KISSED!" Both shouted.

"Oh Rao, yelling, very, very bad idea." Kara cried.

"Agreed." Mon El said rubbing his head.

"Well, regardless of what happened last night, I have to stick with what I said, I can't date right now, I'm sorry." She said.

"It's ok. But either way, I had a really nice time last night." Mon El said as he softly smiled at Kara.

"Yeah, me too." Kara whispered Staring into his eyes again. The same eyes that hooked her in last night. She slowly began to lean in when she stopped herself. "No, Kara, stick to your promise. No dating."

"That's a shame. Because, we are really good together." Mon El said taking a sip of his coffee. "Wish we could do something about it."

Kara came up with an idea that she was NOT proud of because it wasn't like her at all, but he was right, they were good together. "Well, uhm, there is this term on Earth, called friends with benefits."

"Explain more?" Mon El said very lost.

"Well, it's when 2 people, who are like us, who like each other, but don't have time for each other like boyfriend and girlfriend, well these 2 people, they sort of, hook up, whenever they want." She explained.

"Hook, up?" he asked again.

"Oh, uhm in kryptonian/daxam terms, "mate", but obviously not actually since we wouldn't be trying to have a kid." she explained again.

"So let me get this straight. We would see each other, like here at your house, but only to 'mate'?" He asked seeing if he heard correctly.

"Yes, exactly, but we also don't tell anyone." she made clear of the last part.

"ok, ok. This is very unlike sweet little Kara." Mon El teased.

"Oh, I know I know it's a bad idea, let's forget it." Kara said feeling stupid.

"No, no, I like it. It's a great idea." Mon El said as he grabbed Kara's waist pulling her in for a kiss."But I'm still doing that every morning after."

"That's fine by me." Kara said kissing him back.

"So uhm, is this like an any time of the day thing?"he asked winking.

"It can be, but not right now, I have to get to Catco and you have to go back to the DEO." Kara said as she grabbed her bag.

"Boo." Mon El gave as a response.

"I know I know, let's just see where the day takes us." And with that the two left the apartment.

At the DEO

"Hey hey, Mon El, Buddy, you didn't come back to the DEO last night? Are you ok?" Winn asked.

"I'm sorry do I know you" Mon El asked.

"Oh, right uhm, I'm Winn, your soon to be new best bro, as I will teach you all the things to do here on earth." Winn explained. "But seriously, where were you?"

"Oh, uhm I did one of those thing you guys here on Earth call a 'hook up' with a girl from the bar." Mon El answered.

"Oh ok, wait, didn't you go there with Kara?" Winn asked.

"Oh, uh yeah, but I asked her out and she rejected me, I got super drunk and ended up at a girls place this morning." Mon El explained.

"Oh, sorry buddy, well welcome to the friend zone, population, me and James." Winn joked.

"haha yeah, cool." Mon El said a bit confused.

At Catco

"Oh, Hey Kara, can I talk to you for a sec?" James said while running up next to Kara.

"Sure, what's up?" she asked.

"Well, I just wanted to say sorry, about yesterday. It was wrong of me to assume that you would 'dump' me and just go straight to Mon El. I just talked to Winn and he explained how it was his idea, sorry, again." he explained.

"It's alright James, I'm just glad we still get to be friends." Kara responded nervous knowing that what James assumed was partially true.

"Yeah, me too. And it's ok, if you want to go out with him. I see how much you like him, and I've actually been getting kinda close with Lena these past few hours we've spent together so." James said.

"Oh, that's great, I'm happy for you. But, I uhm actually rejected Mon El when he asked me out. I do like him, I'm just not in a place to date right now." Kara explained. "Oh, I have to get going, emergency, if you know what I mean."

"Yeah, go get em, supergirl." James said as she walked away.

At Kara's apartment.

"Hey! You're back! How was the fight?" Mon El asked as Kara walked through the door.

"It was, ok, easy. Hey what are you doing here?" Kara said confused at the end.

"Oh, well I was at the DEO, but I got bored, said I was 'going to the bar for a hook up' and then I came here for a 'hook up'." Mon El explained.

"Oh, ok I see, want something to drink." Kara asked.

"Wine? Winn says it's this fancy beer." Mon El said.

"Ah, so you've met Winn." Kara said handing him a glass of wine

"Hey uhm, you don't 'friend with benefit' Winn and James too, right?" he asked taking a sip.

"What? Why Why Why are you asking that." Kara said making a disgusted face.

"Well, Winn said that him and James were part of the friend zone with you." he explained.

"Oh, no no no, that just means I want to be nothing more than just friends with them, that's it." she explained.

"So you aren't with them?" he asked.

"Nope." She answered.

"Good, very good." He replied.

"And why's that?" She asked.

"So I can have you all to myself." He said right before he lunged into her kissing her hard pushing her up against the fridge. They then let the night take them else where.


So I was thinking of having karamel start dating really soon so that they could have cute scenes too, but idk when I'll update next.

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