4-Oh my Rao!

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Years had passed since Kara first landed here. 9 to be exact. She was now a writer at Catco World Wide Media, but also worked as supergirl on the side. Only her friends Winn and James, and Alex and J'onn knew she was Kara Danvers and Supergirl. It took a bit but she finally felt at home on this strange planet. She had a good job, the best of friends, and she was "dating" James. Sort of. They were trying to go out on dates but it kept getting ruined by Kara needing to Superhero. But they wouldn't give up and were trying to make it work. 


"Kara, James is on the other line." Winn said as he handed Kara his phone.

"Hey James what's up." She said.

"Did you forget again?" he questioned

"Forget wh- oh shoot i'm so sorry I was stuck in training all morning."

"It's fine really."

"No it's not fine I can't keep forgetting our dates! Please let me make it up."

"Ok,I guess we could hang out after game night, like alone"

"Sounds great, see you tonight."

"what did he want?" Alex asked

"I missed our date again, but we planned another one tonight after game night." Kara explained.

"Are you sure you're ready for this? It took you until last year to start dating again, and none have ended well. This could ruin you're friendship with him if it goes bad." Alex responded.

"I'm sure. I need to get back out there, and I really do like James. I've finally accepted that I'm not going to see Mon El again, and he probably forgot who I was anyway, so I need to move on." Kara said.

"Ok, if you say so." Alex teased. "Wanna go train together?"

"Maybe later, I promised Winn that I would show him around." Kara answered.

"Oh, ok, see you around." Alex said.

"Ok, Winn let's start by showing you the med bay." Kara offered.

"Yeah sure, whatever, but uhm Kara, are you really truly sure about this thing with James?" Winn asked.

"Yes, I'm sure." She replied.

"Ok because when you rejected me, we couldn't talk for weeks, and we weren't even dating, I mean, what's gonna happen if you guys break up after a bit of dating, unless, do you think you won't break up?" He questioned.

"I-I don't know Winn, ok, I'm just trying to live life in the moment. I don't know if we will break up and what will happen if we do, ok, I'm not worried about that right now! Why are you all so invested in me getting hurt because of this?" she shouted.

"Because we aren't worried about your feelings, we are worried about James'" Winn answered.

"Wha-" Kara started.

"He really likes you, Kara, and he wants this to work. You say you do, but you were so hung up on this space guy none of us have met. We don't want you hurting James because you are still hung up on alien boy, ok. Unless you are 110% serious about James, then you better find a way to tell him this won't work, because I'm not willing to see him get hurt." Winn shouted as he walked away.

'What if they were right?' Kara thought.'What if I'm not ready to move on from Mon El?' She decided she had to tell James that it wasn't going to work between them  because she didn't want to hurt him based on her feelings for Mon El. She decided to tell him after game night. Right now though, she really needed to get her feeling out.

"Alex!" Kara shouted down the hall. "Still up for that training session?"

"Obviously." She replied.

In Training

"Whoa Kara you're hitting really hard today, what's the matter?" Alex asked

"I need to get my feelings out, and this is the best way possible." She answered.

"Is this about James?" Alex questioned.

"So what if it is?" Kara answered while punching the wall still.

"What made you realize it won't work?" Alex asked again.

"Winn, and his words of wisdom." She replied. " He made me realize that I can't hurt James with this, I Know it won't last. I just wanted to be with someone again. And you guys were right, I'm not over Mon El."

"Whoa Whoa Whoa, I never said anything about you not being over Mon El." Alex pitched in. "Why would he say that?"

"I guess we have to go find out." Kara added.

"Winn!" Alex yelled.

"Yeah?" he replied.

"Why did you say Kara is still not over Mon El? We never discussed that?" Alex stated.

"Are you kidding, it's so obvious. I mean, the way she can't seem to go on this date, and have you ever seen her face whenever someone mentions him? It's the same face I used to make when I loved her, it's the face of someone in love, and if she's still in love, she's not over him." He replied

Kara was down the hall using her super hearing. 'Love? That's a strong word. I wasn't in love with him, we were so young, I couldn't have been. But, was I. I haven't felt true love before, I don't know what it feels like. But its been so long since I've seen him, even though it feels like just yesterday. I wasn't in love. I was not! But...Was I? I need to ask Alex.'

At Kara's House

The 5 of them were sitting in Kara's apartment for game night. Kara decided to pull Alex to the side to talk to her.

"Hey, Alex, can we talk, for a minute." Kara whispered.

"Sure, what's up?" Alex asked.

"You and Maggie, you guys love each other, right?" Alex nodded. "Wh-What does love feel like?" Kara questioned.

"You heard Winn before, didn't you?" Alex said.

"I may or may not have." Kara giggled. "But, what is it like?"

"Well..." Alex began. "It's like butterflies in your stomach. You want to be around that person as much as you can, and will do anything possible to be around them. You want what makes them happiest, and they want what makes you happiest. You want to keep each other safe and healthy at all times, and will risk anything for them. You just want them, and nothing but them."

"Okay, thanks." Kara replied.

"Come on guys, game night time!" J'onn yelled.

Kara and Alex walked back to the group and they played games for the next 2 hours. They were having a blast, talking, enjoying life, but Kara was stuck in her mind.

'I felt all those things with him. Maybe I do love him, or did I guess.' She sighed. Then she was brought back to reality by James.

"So, I'm really excited for our date tonight." he told her.

"Oh, uhm, James, about that, I-"

Then, there was a sudden loud crack noise. The same one Kara heard when she first arrived. They looked outside to see a pod was hurdling towards the ground, and had just broken the atmosphere. Kara and J'onn decided to chase after it. When it finally landed Kara recognized the pod to be the same as hers. She ran over thinking to see another Kryptonian, but when she opened it she was much more surprised. 

"Oh my Rao!" is all she could say.


First real chapter done :) idk when I'll update next but i'll try as much as possible.

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