5- It's Really You

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"Supergirl, what is it?" J'onn asked.

"It-It's him."she responded.

"Who, who's him?" he asked confused.

"Alex, get the med bay ready," She began over the comm, "I'm flying in."

"Supergirl, what is go-"

"I'll explain later, I'm taking him to the DEO, meet me there." Kara then picked Mon El up out of the ship and flew to the DEO.


"Bring him here. Male, looks about 24, unconscious, vitals are stable. Alien, unknown origin." Alex began as she carted him to the med bay.

"Umm, it's not unknown." Kara chimed in.

"What?" Alex asked.

"He's a daxamite." Kara answered.

"Daxamite, where do I kn- wait. Is this Mon El?" Alex asked again.

"y-yeah, it is. Is he gonna be ok?" Kara questioned.

"I'm not sure, we'll see." Alex could see the worry in Kara's eyes. "Go home and rest, I'll call you when we get more information."

"No, I need to be here when he wakes up. Please." Kara protested.

"Fine, you can go in when we are done running tests." Alex agrees

"Thank you." Kara said.

One hour later

"Ok, Kara, you can come in now." Alex began. "He seems perfectly fine beside the fact that he is in a coma. We don't know why he still looks so young, we are guessing he has a story like yours. The only bad news is... we don't know when or if he'll ever wake up, we will try our best."

"Thank you, Alex, for all your hard work." with that Alex walked out leaving Kara alone with a comatose Mon El.

"Hey, Mon El. It's me, Kara. I don't know if you remember me, it's been a while, 33 years actually. Dang, fells like just yesterday we were sitting in that garden together. I hope you wake up so I can hear the story of how you got here and hopefully we can catch up. I know what it's like to feel such a change, but if you can hear me, I'm here for you, always, I won't leave you again." Kara began to tear up. She held Mon El's hand and just stared at him when all of a sudden she saw him begin to stir around.

"Where am I? K-Kara? Is it really you, or is my mind playing tricks again?" Mon El asked.

"Oh my Rao! Mon El! You're up! Yes yes it's me, Kara." She quietly shouted.

"How, this can't be real. I've missed you so much." Mon El said as he started to get up.

"Hey, sit down you need to rest." Kara said putting a hand on his shoulder.

Mon El ignored her and pulled her into a hug. "Please, I've really, really missed you. I just need a hug right now."

"Oh ok, I've missed you too, a lot." Kara agreed.

Outside in DEO

"So, this is mister lovey dovey alien boy, huh?" Winn asked.

"It appears so. He doesn't look that special." J'onn responded.

"Hey shut up both of you. Look how happy Kara is. It's the happiest I've ever seen her." Alex said shutting them up. They all looked in and Alex was right. They saw Kara laughing. Catching up with him. He may not have seemed special, but he was to Kara, so they decided to give him a chance.

Back in Med Bay

"So, please, explain to me how you got here now that I've told you my story." Kara asked.

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