9-Date number 2

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"Good morning." Kara smiled at Mon El as she woke up.

"Morning." He smiled back and kissed her.

"I had a really great time at dinner last night. It was a fun change of pace." she said snuggling closer.

"Yeah, me too." He said as he pulled her close. "As much as I would like to stay here all day with you, we did promise J'onn that we would go in early so that we could leave early for our second date tonight."

"Yeah yeah I know. 5 more minutes." Kara whispered as she slowly drifted off back to sleep.

"Ok, 5 minutes." He kissed the top of her head.


"Alright people what do we got on the radar for Supergirl today?" Kara asked as her an Mon El walked through the door.

"Ugh babe why are you yelling, it's 5 am." Mon El said holding his head.

"Nothing right now, I'll tell you when there is." J'onn answered as he walked away with Mon El.

"Hey sis." Alex said walking up next to her

"Oh hey." Kara responded cheerfully.

"What has gotten into you, why are you so cheerful?" Alex asked.

"What are you talking about? I'm always like this." Kara tried to defend.

"Not at 5 am. Is it Mon El that's got you in this mood?" Alex said as they both turned to look at him.

"I don't know, maybe." Kara stuttered. "It's just really great to have him back, and that I can finally be happy." 

"Yeah, this is the happiest I've ever seen you, but if he hurts you, I will kill him!" Alex said seriously.

"I'll call you if he does." Kara said Jokingly. "Well, I should get to training if nothing is happening right now."

"Not so fast Supergirl, armed robbery at the National City Bank!" J'onn shouted.

"On it!" Kara began to run out of the DEO.

"Wait!" Mon El yelled as he supersped in front of her."Please be careful."

"Always am." Kara whispered as she placed a soft kiss on his lips. 

With that Kara flew away and towards the bank. She landed as the 3 robbers were running out of the bank.

"Where do you boys think your going?" Kara shouted at them.

"Away from here!" one shouted back.

"Supergirl, they have a getaway car coming! Don't let them get in!" Alex yelled through her ear piece.

"Got it." Kara responded.

"We're leaving weather you like it or not!" another one shouted as the three pulled up their guns.

"Why doesn't anyone realize that bullets don't work on me?" Kara asked.

"Good thing we don't have real bullets." The leader of the robbers said.

"Huh?" Kara questioned. Just as she was about to say something she felt a pain in her leg. Then in her arm. And finally, in her chest, the most painful of all. Then she realized. Kryptonite. She fell to the ground as she watched the robbers got in their car and drove off.

"Kara! Kara answer me! KARA!" Alex was frantically shouting through the ear piece. But Kara was too hurt to answer. "Kara! Please answer!" Mon El shouted in the background. That was the last thing she heard before blackness.

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