10-Game Night

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Kara's eyes slowly drifted open as she felt Mon El's arms pull her closer to him. She let out a little sigh as she realized it was time to get up.

"I'm sorry did I wake you? I didn't mean to." Mon El apologized as he realized she was awake.

"No no it's ok, it's time for me to get up anyway, I have to go to Cat Co soon." Kara assured him.

"Aww no, I want to spend all day with you." Mon El pouted.

"I know I know, but after work, it's game night, so you can meet some of my friends, but some don't know I'm supergirl so you can't say anything." Kara said.

"Ok, I can do that, I can keep a secret." Mon El replied.

"Thank you, I love you!" she said as she kissed him.

"Love you too." He repeated as he kissed her back.

At CatCo

"Kara! Hey good to see you!" Lena called to Kara from across the room.

"Lena! Hey! What are you doing here?" Kara asked as she pulled Lena into a hug.

"Oh, just checking up on my other business. How are you?" Lena replied.

"I'm actually doing really great right now. Oh, and Also tonight is game night. You're coming, right?" Kara asked.

"Obviously." Lena answered. "Ready to kick butt again?"

"Actually, I was wondering if you could be on Nia's team this time. I invited her so she can get closer with Alex and some others there, and besides me, you know her the best, and I also have a new partner." Kara responded.

"Sure, I'd love to help her out. Also, who is this new partner of your's that you're replacing me with?" Lena asked jokingly.

"Oh, you'll get to meet them tonight, and don't worry, we're still partner's for mix up night when we play at J'onn's." Kara assured.

"Ok great!" Lena responded. "Oh and Sam said she got a sitter for Ruby so she can come."

"That's fantastic news!" Kara cheered. "Ok, I have to go do an interview, I'll see you tonight."


"Hey Winn, what is this Game night Kara talks of?" Mon El asked his friend.

"Oh, It's a night where we all just get together and play fun games, outside of work, and just like drink wine and hang out." Winn responded.

"And some don't know Kara is supergirl?" Mon El asked again.

"Well, only 3 of them don't, 3 of her friends from work, but I think she's planning on telling them soon." Winn answered.

"Oh, ok, sound like fun." Mon El said.

"Hey guys." Kara said as she flew into the DEO.

Hey's were heard across the room.

"Hey babe." Kara said as she gave Mon El a kiss.

"Hey." he responded.

"Everyone, I have the teams for game night!" Kara said excitedly. "Me and Mon El, Winn and J'onn, Lena agreed to be with Nia, and Sam said she could come, so Alex you'll be with her."

"Sounds good." J'onn said.

"Can't wait." Alex replied.

"Me either." Winn agreed.

"See you all in a few hours!" Kara said as she grabbed Mon El and they began to walk out.

"Wait why are you taking Mon El?" Winn asked.

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