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Everything started going blurry for Kara as she really began to process what was happening. She was losing her first love, her one true love. She got really light headed and passed out in the middle of the DEO. 3 hours later she woke up to Mon El looking down over her. 

"Morning sleeping beauty." he spoke softly trying not to scare her.

"What happened?" she asked

"You passed out right before Lena got here. She was able to make a cure for Mon El and he was all cleared to leave 2 hours ago, but he won't leave you alone." Alex chimed in.

"Thank you." Kara told Mon El.

"Everytime." he responded. "Now, uhm, I'm pretty sure you owe me a trip to the bar, if I'm not mistaken?"

"Yes, yes, we can go in a few minutes, let me just get changed into my regular clothes and then we can head out." She answered.

"Great! It's a date!" he said happily.

"Yeah, a date." Kara whispered unsure of some things.

At Bar

"So what do we do at a human bar?" Mon El asked

"Well, there's games like darts and pool, and sometimes when everyone come we do karaoke, which is where you sing a song in front of everyone. Since there is only 2 of us we would usually just talk and lightly drink, but I want to see drunk Mon El, what's he like?" Kara explained.

"He's a bit louder than sober Mon El, same concept, but Kara drunk, that would be amazing." Mon El returned.

"Excuse me waiter can we have 4 shots?" Kara asked.

"And 4 for me as well." Mon El added.

"I like your style."Kara laughed.

"Well, we're here to have a good time aren't we?" he asked.

"Indeed." she responded

1 shot in:

"This isn't really effecting me that much." Mon El complained.

"Oh you just wait, this will hit you like a truck." Kara shot back.

"I don't know, I'm pretty str-oh rao what is going on?" Mon El said feeling loopy.

"You're drunk silly." Kara responded.

"Why aren't you effected?" Mon El asked.

"I'm used to it, it takes about 3 shots for me to get that drunk now.

"Why is it so strong?" He asked laughing and shouting at the same time.

"Because they made it to effect people like us, so it's much stronger than any other drink.

"Let's just take shot number 2 now." Mon El suggested.

2 shots in:

"How you feeling now buddy?" Kara asked a bit loud as the alcohol was starting to effect her.

"Spacey, but here, tired, but energetic, in pain and pleasure." Mon El responded.

"Welcome to Earth!" Kara shouted!

"Yay Earth!" Mon El screamed as he downed another shot.

3 shots in:

"Mom El!" Kara slurred now being really drunk.

"Yes Karsa?" he slurred as well.

"Have you met my sishter Alexxx?" Kara said.

"Yeah, I fink I did at the BEO." he answered.

"Oh, she's a gud drinfer." she complimented.

"Yeah and she is nice and funnsy too." he agreed.

"Yeah. Hey Mon? Have you mef my sifter Alex?" Kara repeated herself.

"Uhm, no, I do think I hafe." he said forgetting their conversation a minute before.

"You shouf meet her, she fun." Kara stated.

"Ok, sounds lik a plan." he agreed.

4 shots in

"oh yay I love this song, less dancee!" Kara shouted.

"Yeah, ok I wuv danfin." Mon El said.

The two were bouncing around the bar creating havoc until the bar tender told them to settle down and drink water. They sat at the table and had 2 glasses each, and soon enough Kara was passed out.

"KARA!" Mon El shouted.

"What!" she shouted back.

"Where do you live!" He shouted again.

"Here." She handed him a piece of paper with her address and passed out again. Mon El used his super strength to pick her up and carried her home, and when they arrived at the door, she woke up, both having sobered up a bit after drinking the water.

At Kara's House

"So, this is what an Earth living space looks like." Mon El said.

"Yup, welcome, to my humble abode." Kara responded getting a laugh in return.

"So, I had a really good time catching up with you tonight." Mon El said sitting down on the couch.

"Yeah, me too." Kara agreed sitting next to him.

"Kara, I uh, I really like you." he spit out, inching closer to her.

"Yeah, I like you too." She said, staying put.

"I really want to go back to how things were about to be, with us on Daxam." he said, putting an arm around her.

"Oh, uhm, about that, I'm not really in a place to date right now, we can still be friends, though, see where that leads us." Kara said backing up a bit.

"Oh, uh yeah sure, whatever you want." he said as he got up, looking embarrassed and hurt.

"Thank you, Mon El." She said pulling him into a hug. "I still, really, do like you, a lot." She trailed off at the end, getting lost in his blue-gray eyes. It was as if she was getting put under a trance.

"Well, I guess I should get going, night, Kara." Mon El cleared his throat and began to walk at the door.

"Wait!" Kara shouted super speeding in front of him. "Don't, Don't, uh, go, please. There is one thing I want."

"Yeah?" He ask sort of confused.

"I uh, I never got that kiss, back on Krypton." she whispered, putting her arms on his shoulders.

"Uh huh." he muttered as he began to lean down.

"Can I still get that kiss?" she asked, standing on her tip-toes.

Mon El answered her by smashing his lips into hers, putting his arms around her waist. Kara wrapped both her hands around his neck, pulling him closer.


What do you think will happen next? Will they get together, or will this make things awkward to keep a friendship?

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