11-I Don't Know

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"Good Morning Beautiful." Mon El said as he opened his eyes to see Kara staring at him.

"Morning." She softly smiled and kissed him. "Can we just stay home today? I just want to stay here with you."

"We have the rest of our lives to cuddle in the morning, we have to go to the DEO." Mon El said as he got out of bed."

"Promise you'll be here tomorrow too?" She asked.

"Only cause you want me to be." He responded as he leaned down and kissed her. He then picked her up and threw her over his shoulder.

"Mon El, stop, put me down!" Kara yelled as she giggled.

"Ok, if you say so." He responded as he put her down on the couch. "Stay here, I'm gonna go make you breakfast."

She grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled him in for a kiss. "I love you so much."

"Love you too." He replied as he walked into the kitchen.

"Kara turned on the tv and put on the news. She saw that there was an attack happening in the middle of town. It was a villain she had never heard of or seen before. He look dangerous and strong. She called Alex to send agents from the DEO to the fight to meet her and Mon El there. She then turned to Mon El who was also now watching.

"You wanted to be a hero?" she asked. "Suit up, this ones going to be tough." 

He nodded his head in response and put on his suit that Winn had made for him. It looked like Kara's but was red with a blue cape.

"Alex how long until you get here?" Kara asked into her ear piece. 

"About another 10 minutes." Alex responded.

"We have to fight now, he's hurting people." Mon El stated.

"Ok, just please, both of you, be careful, I've never seen anything like this." Alex said.

"We will be, I promise." Kara assured her.

"Hey buddy, why don't you leave those innocent people alone and come fight us." Mon El yelled at the 10 ft man.

"You're just more weakling to waste my time." The man yelled in response.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that." Supergirl yelled back.

"Oh really, I know both of your weaknesses, like this new 'superhero' over here, he's very allergic to led, right?" So what if I just, *Shoots gun* shoot him?" The man responded as he shot Mon El in the stomach."

"Noooo!" Supergirl screamed as Mon El fell to the ground. "You will pay for this!"

"Will I, because I don't think so." He replied. "You supergirl, have a problem with kryptonight. And I know I may not look like it, *Runs over and picks her up* I am made entirely from kryptonite. *Throws her onto the ground*. I know that makes you bleed. *Punches her repeatedly*, but I want to kill you. I May go down with you, but at least I got to take down supergirl."

"What...d-do you...mean?" Kara struggled to get out.

"Oh, you see, I'm gonna blow, infect your lungs, let you as this other superhero die, and let my villain friends run this city. So say you're goodbyes." He responded to her.

"Nooooooo!" Mon El shouted as he tried to crawl over to them, but he didn't make it. The mysterious Kryptonite man exploded, releasing a giant cloud of kryptonite into the air. When it cleared Mon El saw Kara laying there, limp. He crawled over to her, tears streaming down his face. He pulled her up onto his lap and slowly rocked her back and forth, forgetting about his own injury. "Kara no no no I'm so sorry. I should have protected you this should be me you don't deserve this, please fight for me Kara, for us, for Alex don't go please." Mon El sat there crying when he felt people trying to pull him away from her. It was the DEO. He refused to let go until Alex told him she needed to take her into surgery. He finally let go, and then passed out from his own injury.

Mon El woke up in the bed next to Kara in the med bay. He quickly sat up and ran to her side, grabbing her hand.

"What are you doing? You need to rest!" Alex told Mon El.

"No I need to be as close to her as possible." He responded. "H-How is she?" he asked Alex as he looked down at an almost lifeless Kara. She looked perfectly fine except for the fact that she wouldn't wake up.

"It's not good, she's on the verge of Life and death right now. It's up to her if she wants to live now" Alex told him truthfully.

"Oh. Can I have a minute alone with her?" He asked.

"Yeah sure." Alex responded as she walked out.

"Hey babe, it's me." He whispered to her. "I know you're not doing well right now, but I know you don't give up easy. You have to fight through. Ok, please, for me. We still have so much time together. I promised you that we would wake up together tomorrow and I'm not going to break that promise. I won't, I-I can't." We still have to move in together, get a dog, get married, have kids, all that cool stuff. I refuse to let this be the end of our story, I-I just got you back, I can't lose you again. If I do, I'll lose myself too. Please I want more time with you. I'm not ready to say goodbye, ok, so please, Kara you have to wake up." 

He held her hand tighter than he ever has. He looked down at her to see her eyes slowly opening. He ran out and got Alex to help out. Alex ran up to Kara and hugged her. She sent Mon El out of the room so she could run tests. About 30 minutes later everyone was able to go in and see her. Mon El decided to speak last so he could talk the longest. They all hugged her and thanked god she was ok. Then it was Mon El's turn.

"Hey." He said softly.

"Hi." She responded.

"I'm so glad you're ok, I've never been happier." He said as he walked up to her.

"Thank you. But uh- who um- who are you?" She asked him confused.

That was it. That was when his heart broke, and his life as he knew it was over.


Sorry I took so long to update, I have like 5 chapters based out and I can have them all posted in the next few days. Also thank you so much for 500 reads and all the votes, that's what motivates me to keep writing!

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