13-Hang out

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"Hey guys, I was wondering if you could all come out to the bar tonight to get to know Ethan." Kara asked everyone at the DEO.

"Drinking? Count me in." Alex responded.

"Sounds like a good bonding experience. I'll be there." J'onn agreed.

"If papa bears going I'm going too." Winn said.

"What about you Mon El?" Kara asked when he didn't respond.

"Oh, uh, yeah I'll go, sure." He said quietly.

"Ok, I'm gonna go out to lunch with Nia, Sam, and Lena now and invite them too. Bye." Kara said as she flew out.

"Wait a second." Alex started.

"We didn't tell them she lost some of her memory." Winn finished.

"We'll be back, we have to go stop Kara." Alex said as they ran out of the DEO.

At Lunch

"Hey guys, thanks for coming out to lunch." Kara started.

"Yeah sure, what's the occasion?" Lena asked.

"Well, I want you all to come out to the bar tonight and get to know my boyfriend Ethan better so he knows everyone." Kara explained.

"What about Mon El?" Nia asked for everyone as they were all confused.

"What about him?" Kara asked also now confused.

"Like 3 weeks ago you introduced us to him as your-" Sam started but was cut off by Alex and Winn.

"Hey guys, hey Kara can I come talk to you for a second over here." Winn asked as he pulled her away.

"I mean yeah I guess." She said confused.

"Hey guys, so quick update, Kara almost died, as you know who, and when she came to she lost all her memory of Mon El so just don't bring him up as her boyfriend ok thanks bye." Alex explained.

"Good to see you." Sam said.

"You too." Alex agreed as she grabbed Winn and walked off.

"That was weird." Kara said as she sat down. "Uh, Sam, what were you saying before about Mon El?"

"Oh uh, we were just wondering if he'll be there too tonight. You introduced us to him a few weeks ago and he was really nice and we'd like to hang out with him again." Sam said making up a lie for them as she went along.

"Oh, yeah, he will be, but he's been acting strange lately so he may not be the same person you met. Oh shoot, I have to go, duty calls, you know what I mean. See you guys tonight!" Kara yelled the last part as she ran off.

"Oh my god poor Mon El." Lena said.

"This has to be so tough on him." Nia added.

"Yeah I can't believe he agreed to go out with them tonight." Sam agreed.

At Bar

"Hey everyone, thanks for coming, I just want everyone to get to know Ethan better since we've been on a few dates now." Kara said to everyone at the table.

"Yeah, I'd like to get to know you all better. Kara says you're amazing people." Ethan agreed.

"Woah that's a cool accent!" Winn gushed. "Where are you from?"

"I'm from New Zealand." I moved here when I was about 10 when my dad became a cop here. I never lost the accent." Ethan explained. "I do find that you Americans really like it."

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