~& B U R N~

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The new kid had light brown curly hair and deep blue eyes. He really was quite handsome but I knew Antonio wanted him so I just left it there.

Time skip: The next morning.

I got ready for school as usual. I wait for Larray to come and pick me up. I have a car but it's really fun when we go to school together.

We always go to Starbucks through the driveway and say some weird shit when it's time to order.

(If you're wondering why I'm adding YouTubers, its cause I got inspired by the story 'Boss'. I friggin' love that book)

"Have you heard about the new kid?" Larray says, while sipping his coffee.

"Yeah," I say. I don't get why so many people are exited that he came. It's always about the looks. For all I know he could be a total bitch.

"He's gay you know. His name is Ian." Larray says.

There are hardly any gay students at our school, so most people there are homophobic.

They're the reason I've not come out as bi yet. Well, to be honest I've never dated a girl but I still get crushes on them and feel the same way as I would about a guy.

I haven't told anyone yet and its really annoying. Everyone thinks I'm straight and I feel like if I told anyone they'd just take the piss.

Not even my friends know.

"Are you even listening, y/ n?" Larray says.

"Girlie, you need more sleep. You've been so out of it recently."

"I'm fine Larray, seriously." I lie.

"No you're not but okay." Larray says. He knows not to force words out of me.

We get to school and I thank him for the ride. I feel bad for Antonio since this Ian kid is gay. She'll get over it.

As I walk into school I see Ian in the corridor looking as lost as ever.

I decide to approach him since he looks nice.

"Hey," I say. "Are you alright? You seem lost."

"I am." He sighs. "Could you tell me where miss Choudary's from is?"

"Yeah, I was headed there anyway. We're in the same form." I say. Proud of myself as I have made a new possible friend.

Most people are scared of me and stay away. It's nice to have people who think differently.

The walk to our from room is a comfortable silence. I'm glad that Ian doesn't ask too many questions or anything.

He breaks the silence and says, "Hey, are you friends with someone called Brandon?"

"No, he's weird and I don't like him. Why?"

"He used to go to my old primary school and he was a total bully." Hearing that just made me dislike que even more.

"Don't worry," I say. "If he tries to do anything to you I'll make sure to beat the shit out of him." I say.

"You're really nice." Ian says. I smile at him.

"Thanks." I say.

Word count: 500

Your love feels so fake
My demands aren't high to make
If I could get to sleep, I would have slept by now
Your lies will never keep, I think you need to blow them out
(Blow them out)

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