~W I S H Y O U W E R E G A Y~

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-The next morning-

I woke up for school glad that the stupid art project with stupid people was over and done with. Larray and I got into his car and drove to Starbucks. Annie was already in school since she wanted study for an exam she had.

We pulled up into the school parking lot and I noticed an unfamiliar car. A beautiful matte black dodge challenger was parked at the corner of the lot. I stared in awe at it and wondered who it belonged to.

I got out of the car and so did larray. We also had the same exam as Annie but both of us couldn't give less of a shit about our grades.

Larray was kinda quiet and wouldn't go into details about the fight. It didn't bother me because I knew he was thankful for me jumping in or he would've ended up being chopped meat.

We walked to form talking about Ariana Grande and other weird shit and to my surprise Billie was already there shoving her bratty tongue down each other's throat in the corner of the room. The sight was just SICKENING.

It bothered me that they had no shame considering people were trying to revise in that room. I caught eye contact with Brandon and he pulled away from his blue-haired pet.

Larray sat in his seat and I glared at Que as I took my seat next to him. Billie turned around to see what Que was looking at. She rolled her eyes at me since I had disturbed her kissing session and pulled on Brandon's shirt telling him to continue. He broke is attempt of a death glare at me and Larray and continued to swap spit with Billie.

After about 5 minutes of me and Larray texting each other rather than disturbing the almost silent room, Miss Choudary finally walked in and took registration and everyone headed to 1st period as normal.

I noticed some people giving me strange looks because of what happened before the weekend. I ignored them since they didn't bother me one bit. As I waited outside my maths classroom I realised I didn't have any of my friends in this class. Billie was stood on the opposite side of the hallway scrolling through her phone.

One thing I realised about her was that whenever her little boyfriend wasn't around she had her head held down on her phone, probably texting him considering the cute smirk she had on her face.
Not- cute I meant...

She must've felt eyes on her as she looked up from her phone at me. I looked away and felt her icy eyes still on me.

Isaac came out of nowhere and approached Billie, giving her a bag of takis and starting small talk with her. The obnoxiously loud bell rang and all the students entered their classrooms.

I had no intention on any social interaction this morning so I took a seat by myself in the corner of the room and placed my bag on the chair next to me.

The maths teacher started registration and, to nobody's surprise, she wasn't in. Two irrelevant hoes sat in front of me where talking about how their whole friendship group had dipped maths and were all in the girls bathroom smoking. What a bunch of idiots.

Time skip: lunch

Me Larray, Annie,  Antonio and Ian were sat in a circle on the school field since it was a nice day outside. Ian was a new member to our group and welcomed him for the sake of Antonio.

There was a silence in our group as we had all finished eating and were on our phones. I got a text from Elijah




Hi x

Ik this is weird but can you meet me in the

The girls bathroom??

Yeah lol...

Okay then

"I need to piss." I say as I  stand up and walk to the bathroom. When I opened the girls bathroom door, I saw Billie, Danielle, Que and the twins in a smile filled room. I try not to cough as I walk to Eli. "Who invited this bitch?" Said Danielle as Que laughed.

"I did." Said Eli. And with that he took my hand and walked out the bathroom.

Guess who finally updated bitchessss

Word count: 727

I just wanna make you feel okay

But all you do is look the other way, mm

I can't tell you how much I wish I didn't wanna stay

I just kinda wish you were gay

Comment what you want to happen next ;))

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