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We were on our way home from the cemetery, after visiting mom's grave. Dad thinks its my fault, thinks I cursed her. I don't understand how I could curse her though, I'm only human, nothing special. Anyway, mom died when I was little. The doctor said she died of pneumonia. I don't believe it and neither does dad. It was only the beginning of fall when she died. Dad and I were heart broken.

Dad had gotten this crazy idea that I cursed her because the night before she died before we had gotten in a fight. We went to bed angry and my mom died over night. He never believed me when I said I didn't curse her, but he would never believe me. He was a drunk now.

A few abusive years passed and we are where we are now, on a road in the middle of nowhere surrounded by small cliffs. It may sound weird, but if you live in the middle of nowhere far from civilization, it makes perfect sense. Dad is drunk again, but now he's driving. He's in a very bad mood too, so I sit in the back seat quietly hoping we get home safely.

"Briar Jocelyn Verne! Stop staring at the back of my seat! I don't want you to curse me too!" yelled dad angrily. He's been like this everyday, but its worse after coming home from the cemetery.

I can feel his burning glare as I looked at him through the review mirror. "I'm sorry." I said quietly.

"Bullshit!" he screamed. His face was turning a deep shade of red with anger. I was in for it when we got home tonight.

I didn't say anything as I looked out the windshield. My eyes widened at the upcoming path, "Look out!" I yelled.

"Your nothing but a worthless brat!" screamed dad not looking at the road. Our pick up went over the side of a cliff and fell towards the ground nose first. I was screaming... then we crashed.

My father died on impact, but I didn't. I could hear my ears ringing as a warm liquid slid down the side of my head making my auburn curls stick. My body felt like it was on fire, my vision was blurred, but I could see that the pick up was on its side and the windshield was shattered. I could barely hear voices outside so I unbuckled myself and fell to the door to my right. I let out a whimper as I slowly started to crawl over glass towards where the windshield used to be. I heard psychotic laughter but didn't care, I needed help. I got closer to the windshield and a small group of blurry figures appeared in my vision and the laughter stopped instantly. I dragged myself further hoping that they saw me. I was halfway out before I collapsed with my pale hand outstretched.

"H-help me." I croaked, hoping they would. I was fading and I knew it, but there was still a chance I would live.

There was another laugh that made shivers travel down my spine, but that was nothing compared to his voice.

"What's wrong, doll face? Do you need help going to sleep?" said a boy creepily. He sounded like he was around my age.

I was too shocked by what he said to reply. I could feel tears stinging my eyes, although I don't know why I wasn't crying before. I was hit by a sudden determination and started to crawl the rest of the way out of the crashed vehicle. My breathing was coming out wheezy and I could tell that I was shocking them all by moving closer. I hardly noticed the white hot pain in my chest as I continued to crawl.

As soon as I felt the hard earth beneath my whole body, I rolled onto my back and heard a shocked gasp from a few people. My vision started to turn black as I heard footsteps rushing toward me. I coughed and tasted a metallic flavor fill my mouth. I started choking on the mysterious liquid in my mouth that I soon figured out was my blood.

I felt a set of hands sit me up and my blood spilled from my mouth, letting me breathe again. I could feel more blood rushing from my chest. I smiled a little, which was probably weird for the situation I was in.

I managed to whisper one word before everything went black and I went numb... "Thanks."

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