Chapter 3

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Dinner was quiet and rather awkward, so I was pleased when I finished and was excused to go to my room.

When I reached my room, I changed into a pair of grey shorts and a black tank top. I walked to my bed and flopped on it, relishing the comfort. It felt great to just lay down knowing I wouldn't have someone storm in my room and scream at me... or so I thought.

"Who are you!? Or better yet, what are you!?" screamed a very angry Jeff as he stormed into my room, knife in hand.

I flinched as memories rushed through me. I could feel tears stinging my eyes and threatening to be released. "W-what?" I asked with confusion and fear. I was afraid he would beat me for answering wrong like dad always did.

He seemed to calm down a bit at the sight of me huddling up in the corner of my bed hugging my pillow to my chest like a small child in the dark. He was still in his sour mood, he just wasn't screaming anymore. He put his knife in his hoodie pocket and leaned against the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest.

"What are you?" he asked again with venom in his tone.

"What kind of question is that? I'm human." I asked, confusion lacing my voice.

"No your not. A human wouldn't be able to do what you did to me." yelled Jeff angrily.

I flinched, afraid of getting hit. I felt a warm tear run down my cheek as I looked down. "Then I- wait... I should be asking you this!" I shouted through angry tears.

I watched him before he answered. If it were possible, his eyes would have widened as his jaw dropped. He had a look of shock in his eyes. He straightened his face and hid his shock with a glare. "You don't need to know." he said as he got off the door frame and left the room, closing my door with a slam behind him.


I woke up with my eyes burning from crying myself to sleep last night. I got up and walked to my closet and discovered it was a bathroom instead. I smiled and walked inside, closing and locking the door behind me.

I looked in the mirror and groaned. My eyes were red and puffy from my silent crying last night. Tears stains marked my cheeks and old scars were clearer from old beatings. I shook my head and stripped for a shower while letting the water run and heat up.

I stepped in and was greeted by the warmth of falling water cascading down my back back. I was in heaven. I smiled as I stood there and allowed my body to finally relax. I closed my eyes and breathed in the steam.

I sighed as I opened my eyes again and got washed up. I got up and wrapped up in my towel, not even glancing at the mirror. I exited the bathroom and walked to my armoire to get dressed and try to make it through the day.

I had only gotten half dressed when there was a knock on my door and a familiar voice of my new friend... BEN.

"Briar, breakfast is almost ready." said BEN.

"I'll be right there." I said, my voice cracking. I had just finished putting my pants on and was rewrapping my wound with fresh bandages, starting at my waist.

"Are you alright?" asked BEN as I heard the door open. I spun around screaming and covering myself. "Oh my god!" I heard BEN shout as he turned away covering his eyes. The tips of his ears were turning bright red with blush.

"Shut the damn door!" I shrieked as I made a run for the bathroom, my shirt forgotten and bandages half wrapped.

Not long after I reached the bathroom did I hear my door close and the sound of running away from my door. I sighed in relief and finished getting dressed, but I couldn't help but to think about what Jeff asked me last night.

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