Chapter 7

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I stepped off the porch step into the silent night. With what I was wearing, I'm sure it was hard to see me and realize I was truly there.

I made sure my bag was on my shoulders securely and was closed tightly before I started walking on a path beside the road. I was moving fast, unsure of what I might find if I didn't leave the area quickly.

I could feel what felt like a hole in my chest getting bigger and more void of emotions as I moved farther away from Slender Mansion. That place was like my true home with my only friends and... I sighed, not wanting to say I actually had feelings for Jeff, but it was undeniable. I liked him, but he feared me. It could never work. I went into a fit of crying again, mad at myself for finally telling myself the truth.

...I am in love with Jeff.


It's been a week and my supplies are running low. I'm in the city, my hood up to hide my ears, and my tail tucked up beneath my hoodie. My hands are hidden in gloves and I have a pair of sunglasses on to hide my eyes.

I had my head down, blaring The Lonely by Christina Perri in my ears. I wasn't paying any attention and walked into someone. I stumbled backwards slightly and looked up to see a girl close to my age tumbling backwards. I reached out and caught her, my music still blaring. I took out a headphone while she straightened herself up.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention." said the girl. I was surprised for a minute there. I wasn't expecting an apology in this place.

"Oh, no. It's my fault. I really wasn't watching." I said. I was a little thankful I met her. I hadn't talked to someone since I left the mansion.

"Oh, well, I'm Danny." said the girl with a small smile. She may have been dressed on the boyish side, but she was nice. Tomboy by the looks of it.

I smiled. "Briar." I said.

"Hey, do you want to come hang out with me and a couple of my friends at the coffee shop?" she asked. I wonder what a couple is to her. I couldn't resist the fact that I'll possibly be starting fresh at life, so I agreed to go with her.

"Sounds like fun." I said honestly, and frankly, it did.

"Great! You can walk with me then." said Danny.

We walked together for a while before the question I was waiting for struck.

"Why are you hiding your looks?" asked Danny. I stayed quiet for a minute before I came up with a lame excuse.

"I uh, I'm ugly. You wont want to see me, trust me." I said, hoping she would just let the subject drop, but I was out of luck.

"Bull, we don't judge people by their looks. When we get to the coffee shop, your going to take off the glasses and gloves. Then your going to pull down your hood. Got it?" asked Danny. She was pretty demanding, yet kind at heart.

I groaned, irritated. "Fine." I said through gritted teeth.

A dog ran out in front of me and stopped, growling at me, his scruff up as a threat. I crouched aggressively and took my sunglasses off, hissing at the mutt. The dog yelped and backed away fast before running away. I put my sunglasses back on and stood straight. People were staring at me like I just cursed the dog into being a cowardly dog.

"What did you just do?! That was the dog terrorizing this street and he just ran away from you! All you did was crouch and hiss!" Danny yelled. I could tell she was trying to figure out what to think about this.

I smirked. "I'm just not a dog person." I said as I started walking again. The coffee shop was just around the next corner.

[The picture is Danny.]

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