Chapter 8

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We walked into the shop and Danny was greeted by a very hyper girl [the girl in the picture]. She gave me a once over and smiled brightly before introducing herself.

"I'm Cindy! Liam will be on break in a few!" said the girl in an overly excited voice. I could tell she was going to get very annoying, very fast.

"I'm Briar." I said, trying to hide the irritation from her sudden squeal. I watched as she ran over to a guy [the one in the picture] and kissed him. He must be Liam.

I watched as he kissed back, and I could feel a sting in my chest as memories of everyone back at the mansion. I missed them all. I miss BEN, E.J., Sally, everyone. I missed Jeff most of all.

I watched as they approached, hand in hand.

"Liam, this is Briar. Briar, this is my boyfriend Liam." said Cindy with a bright smile and a sparkled gaze as she looked at him.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you." he said, his voice remarkably deep.

"Same to you. It's good to know that now I know some people here." I said with a small smile.

"So your new in here?" asked Cindy with wide eyes. She was so enthusiastic and hyper it wasn't even funny.

"Duh, she just said that." said Danny as she rolled her eyes with irritation.

"Let's sit down at a table, shall we?" asked Liam, trying to ease the tension.

"I agree." I said, waiting to follow them.

We walked to a table by a window. We sat down and I waited for a conversation to start when I noticed a silver thing around Liam's neck.

"What's that?" I asked, gesturing to the object on a chain. I was so curious, I couldn't control myself from wondering.

"How did you see that with those glasses on?" asked Danny.

"The light from this angle reflecting off of it." It wasn't a complete lie, the light was shining down on it from the side.

"It's a dog whistle. It's fun watching the dogs freak out when they hear it. See there's a dog right now, I'll show you." said Liam as he brought the whistle to his lips and blew it.

An ear-splitting sound filled my ears making me cover them and fight back a scream. I moved faster than I intended and snatched the whistle away, baring my teeth at him.

"Stop blowing that damn thing." I said bitterly as I slammed it down on the table. I was shaking slightly as I sat back and looked down. They were too stunned to say anything.

I suddenly felt my hood be pulled down from behind me and heard a man laughing. I moved and grabbed the man's wrist but it was too late. My hood was down and my sunglasses had fallen to the floor. I was exposed and the man looked afraid.

The whole coffee shop was quiet with shock and fear. Since my secret was out, I decided to let my tail out for a stretch and was rewarded with a few gasps. I smirked and released the man. I turned back to my table and sat down. I was shocked when my new friends were staring at me with wide eyes and huge grins.

"What?" I asked with confusion.

"That's why you were hiding the way you looked, you're a Neko." said Danny.

"How do you know what I am?" I asked with shock. How could she know?

"Cindy saw you coming. She's a seer. I'm a telekinetic. And Liam is just human, nothing special." said Danny with a smirk.

"Oh, I didn't find out what I was until after I woke up from a car crash two weeks ago." I said. And it was the truth. I woke up feeling like I was something and didn't know what and Slender confirmed it when we were talking that night.

"At least you know it now. I know you need a place to stay, so you can stay with Danny. She has a room ready for you already." said Cindy.

I was glad they weren't afraid of me, and I was happy I had the start of a new life. For once, I didn't feel so alone.

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