Chapter 10-"I believe the earth is round."

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Chapter 10-"I believe the earth is round."

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Since when did my alarm change to this ringtone? So annoying.

Beep. Beep.

I swear, one more 'beep' and I'm going to-


That's it.

I opened my eyes only to shut them again due to the bright light. I groaned at the throbbing headache I suddenly have and tried to raise my hand up to cover the bright light only to feel a sharp pain hence dropping down to the bed again.

I opened my eyes slowly this time and looked at my surroundings. Right, I jabbed myself with wolfsbane and now I'm in a hospital.

Suddenly, a nurse came in and gasped when she saw me staring at her. She rushed out of the door again and I could hear her shouting along the corridor.

"She's awake! She's awake!"

A few seconds later, two doctors and a shit load of nurses came rushing in, filling the entire hospital suite. They did the normal checkups like the ones on TV shows and asked how am I feeling.

"I'm fine, but could you prescribe me some painkillers? My head is throbbing right now." I asked politely, even though I actually feel agitated due to the headache.

"Sure thing. Your friends and family are on the way here." The pack doctor, whom I realised is the best doctor in the pack smiled at me, revealing the wrinkles on his eyes.

"Mhmm..." I mumbled and closed my eyes as if the darkness would swallow my pain up.

"I'll get you the painkillers right away." Was the last thing I heard before the click of the door shutting.

There was literally a moment of silence before I heard the door being violently pushed open.


Someone pounced onto me who I assumed is my best friend, forcing me to open my eyes and cough as the air was being suck out of me.

"Oh shit sorry! I forgot you just woke up." Teegan smiled sheepishly.

"But anyways, I'm so glad you're awake. I can't believe you were out for three whole days! I was so lonely in school ya know." She engulfed me in a hug this time round.

"Wait, what? Three whole days from a small amount of wolfsbane?" I asked in disbelief as I pulled away from the hug.

"The doctor predicted at least a week before you're awake but three days is actually a miracle." I traced the voice of the person and it led me to Storm.

His eyes were full of unshed tears so I opened my arms for him to hug me.

"I missed you so much, baby sis." He whispered in my ear and I giggled.

"Hey what is this? Shouldn't the patient's mom be the priority?" We let go of each other only to see mom put her hands on her hips playfully and pouting.

"Mom! I missed you too." I sniffed as I hugged her.

"I love you so much my dear." I could feel her tears wet my hospital gown but I didn't mind.

We pulled back from each other and welcome to another episode of nagging Anne where she will nag at her daughter for an hour straight.

"Why the hell did you risk your life like this?"

"Didn't you think of telling the higher ups about it?"

"Why can't you think before you act?"

"Didn't you think about the feelings of those around you before you act?"

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