Chapter 13-"Hay is for horses."

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Chapter 13-"Hay is for horses."

"Where were you at 10.43am today?" A police officer asked while typing furiously on his laptop even though I haven't said anything.

"At the lockers I guess." I replied simply.

Who even remembers where they are at 10.43am?

"What were you doing?" He stole a glance at me before looking back to his screen.

"Walking to class. Then I saw Levi and Lana almost got beaten up by Billy, Goat and Gruff so I went to beat them up first." I said exasperated with all the vague questions I couldn't answer.

"Is that your sole intention? From the doctor's report, it seems like one has a fractured arm, jaw and skull, other has a large ugly bruise on the stomach and the last has 8 deep gashes running along the stomach and cheek." He raised his eyebrow at me.

Wow, I didn't know I could do so much damage.

"Yup. My sole intention was to teach them a lesson." I replied, ignoring the damage he had listed.

I couldn't help but do a small victory dance in my head.

"It seems like an attempt of murder to me though." He shrugged and leaned back in his seat, crossing his arms.

"Why would I have any reason to kill them? I don't even know their names or faces. They probably wouldn't know me too." I huffed.

He was about to open his mouth but stopped by a knock on the door. Another police came in and handed a report file to the one sitting across me. After a while, he closed the file and settled his attention to me.

"The victims have written their statements. They admitted they had wanted to attack Levi Sanders first but you came in and beat them into a pulp. So, you can be released on bail on the condition that you have to pay for their medical treatments." He spoke slowly to me as if I'm a child.

How nice of them to admit their wrongdoings.

"Sure." I shrugged.

"You will wait in there until someone comes to bail you out and we settle your case." He pointed to the back door.

Another two police officers came into the room and escorted me to the prison cells. It wasn't like those dungeons, dirty and smelly like they all had said.

Instead, it is a nice little room painted grey, had a single bed pushed to the corner of the room and a little bedside table beside it.

The Silver Light pack sure treat their prisoners well.

I sighed and lay on the bed, thinking about everything today.

It has probably been quite a number of hours since I had been arrested. I'm not sure how long though. Since they took away my phone and I haven't gone outside for a while now.

I turned and lay on my side. Mom and dad is going to be pissed at me for abusing my strength. They knew I always had a lot of physical strength since I was born. More than a typical female wolf. I know, like I said, I'm a mutation.

You know, I didn't know what came over me when I was clawing that guy. I just felt the need to taste his blood, even though he has done nothing to us. Have I become a monster? My wolf said worriedly, her voice full of regret.

No you're not. You're just trying to protect the weaker ones. Don't worry, dad will get us out in no time. I assured her.

I really do feel like I'm becoming a monster. Our strength increased even though we barely work out these past few weeks. We didn't work out but we didn't even sweat at all when we beat up the three guys. This is getting weirder, Cleo. Anxiety laced her voice and I could feel her panic.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2021 ⏰

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