Chapter 16

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"What do you mean that John is missing?" The campers winced at the loud shrill sound that resounded across the Hermes cabin.

"Seraphina, he-" Isen tried to explain to the downright pissed Seraphina through the IM, but she wasn't having any of it.

"When we left, you guys were supposed to look out for him! What were you thinking, being so careless and losing him like that?" Seraphina's grip on her boba tightened and her face displayed barely-concealed rage. "Do I need to return here to look for him? That was your responsibility!"

"It's alright!" Blyke raised his arms in surrender to placate the furious Ace. "We have Percy and a few others looking for tracks and checking to see where he could have gone. Even Arlo is joining in the search!"

"More like watching," coughed Isen under his breath. Seraphina's blue eyes flashed in anger and irritation, having heard his words.

"I'm sure that he probably wandered off and got lost," Will tried to reassure her. "After all, he's new and the camp is really big!" He ran a hand through blond hair nervously.

Seraphina surveyed the demigods gathered in the Hermes cabin with cold hard eyes. She turned around for a moment and called, "Headmaster, John is missing from Camp Half-Blood! Can I go back to look for him?"

A muffled reply. "No."

Seraphina turned back to face the demigods. "I suppose he could have gotten lost, who knows where he could have wandered off to," she mused, taking a slow sip of her boba. She tapped her foot against the ground as she was thinking.

Isen and Blyke exchanged glances and sighed in relief, having calmed down the irate Ace. And then a camper just had to burst in, screaming at the top of his lungs.

"Percy has a lead! Percy has a lead!" The camper was young and relatively new to the camp, with the smiling mischievous look of a child of Hermes. He was bouncing excitedly like a puppy, shouting at the top of his lungs.

"What did Percy find?" Connor asked. The camper beamed at his half-brother as he skipped over.

"Apparently he could feel that somebody had been recently dragged into the lake by the merpeople!" Everyone gaped. "I know, this is so extremely exciting! Nothing interesting had happened for so long!!"

Seraphina slammed a hand furiously onto her desk, eyes glowing brightly, dangerously. Her features were twisted into one of anger, contrasting her usual deadpanned expression.

"Isen, I expect you to help track John down." Seraphina took a deep breath to control her temper, fists clenched and trembling at her sides. How could they be so careless? Was it because John was a cripple? But still... taken by merpeople?

Isen nodded hurriedly, not wanting to further irritate the Ace.

Saraphina stayed silent for a few seconds, not speaking. When she finally opened her mouth, her voice was as hard and cold as her blue eyes, her words holding an unspoken threat.

" If you don't find John in two days,

The condition.

I will personally return and take care of the issue."

The consequence. And Isen was sure she wouldn't only take care of the issue, but also deal with them.

Blyke seemed to interpret Seraphina's words similar to how Isen did. He gave Seraphina a jerky nod and dragged Isen roughly out of the Hermes cabin.

Seraphina stared at the remaining campers in the cabin. She raised two fingers, which were trembling in silent fury.

Two days.

She swiped away the mist and ended the iris message, leaving stunned and intimidated demigods in her wake.

The next chapter is going to be really special...

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