Chapter 2

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I was really exited getting the job, after a month, I would be able to afford to move to a place that will let me keep Choco. I met Choco a year ago, the cutest dog ever, it was love at first sight. Unfortunately where I live now doesn't allow pets, so she lives with a friend close by.

I got up, got ready for my breakfast date with the grandmother I met yesterday.

"Good morning grandma" I greeted her when I got there. 

"ohh sweetie you got the job. and please call me nana"  I smiled 

"yes I did! I am so happy, what do you want to eat nana?" 

"Just a sandwich and some tea please" and she gave me a big smile, aww she got such a warm smile.

"so what do you think about the boss, now that you have met him yourself" she asked, I thought about it for a second 

"hm, I don't think he likes me, but I don't find him scary, he seem more sad then mean" she looked at me surprised

"sad?" I nodded, 

"yeah, his eyes looked really sad to  me" 

"oh I see" she replied. 

When the food came, we both just started eating, and we were chatting, when suddenly this man came up to us

"what do you want mother?" he said with anger and rudeness. Thought how can a grown man be so disrespectful to his own mother, then thought maybe I should leave and give them privacy, I looked at the watch and it was 7.30 , doesn't hurt to be early

"I said 8.00 its only 7.30, can't you see I am on a date" she said agitated, did not want them to fight because of me so I said

"its okay nana, I can leave " and I smiled to her, but she grabbed my hand before I could get up

"no, he will leave in 10 min top anyways so stay sweetie" he rolled his eyes at her

"well why did you want to see me?" she looked at him coldly 

"you do know its your sons birthday this weekend, I'm planning on inviting you and Mia for dinner" I noticed he balled his hands into a fist

"you know I don't have a son, the moment he decided to be freaking gay, was the day he no longer was my son, because of him my normal son died!" 

Hold on what the hell did I just hear?? I was boiling, how can a parent be like that

"you are being beyond stupid, how is Yesun s death his fault? he died in a car accident, nothing to do with him, and how can you have so much hate for your own son, just because he wants to love another guy, I am very ashamed to call you my son, but I still regard you as my son" 

she said trying to control her voice, she was very upset. 

"did you really call me here to waste my time like this?? then I am leaving"  he scuffed, I could not hold it anymore

"excuse me Sir, I do not know you or your son, but what you just said is just utterly ridiculous. I'm gay and my parents are beyond proud of me, only wants me happy, they even tell me to never hide it or be ashamed of who I am.  

Do you even know how much gay people gets stabbed at, hated on for what?  liking the same gender? is not like we killed anyone. Your son must be very unlucky to have you as a father, the one person that should be in front line to protect him, love him no matter what is the one breaking his heart in thousand pieces.

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