Chapter 18

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What just happen? arrested? murder? no way, I got my powers, he didn't do it, I looked at Shen wei

My love, don't say anything, go to Bro Chu, tell him emergency plan A, promise me you won't go anywhere without him, and I will call as soon as I can, tell bro Chu to call my lawyer to meet me there

wei wei...

Love you my lan, I'll see you soon

Could hear gasps everywhere when he got taken away, I ran into bro Chu s office, and told me what Shen wei said. I couldn't help my tears from falling, and have to admit not having Shen wei close to me was scary. 

Bro Chu made few calls, then 2 big guys came, to take us both home.  Both nana and mother in-law was with me, pacing back and forth, waiting, its been hours already. Then the call came



Shen wei!

Listen to me carefully Yunlan, you are with mom, nana and bro Chu right?


put me on speaker 

Which I did, and they came closer

Its not looking to good, clearing my name might take a while so nana and bro Chu, emergency plan C right away

Both looked at each other, nana ran out, bro Chu ran into Shen weis office, and made few calls

What are you talking about wei wei?

Yunlan, you have to leave the country and go into hiding

what? no, why? I don't want to leave you

Yunlan love, someone is setting me up, so I won't be beside you, and me not there with you is to dangerous love, please, I cant risk it

But I won't feel safe without you anywhere

I know but if you can hide until I can clear this up, that would help a lot. Your going with mom and nana. I already set this up, in case something would happen. I've had a bad feeling for a while now so made plans just in case. I can't use people that are connected to me to protect you, stealer is to smart and if he knows me as well as I think he does then he would be able to guess that, so we are using, a protection system that can't be tracked back to me or nana. Even I won't know where you are going.

wei wei...

I was a crying mess now

It won't take long my love, I promise, I got my best people on it, just for a month or 2 okay?


Just promise to come back to me my love, when it is safe and be safe.

Nana came back,

Xiao wei, remember no matter how long it takes us to come back, don't look for us. I already set it up so we will go into some kind of witness protection as soon as we land. If you start poking around, you might lead stealer to us. I think its best we come back when Yunlan is fully healer and has all his powers, which might take a bit longer since you won't be beside him. 

I know nana, just take care of him for me, and take care of yourself too. 

My love, I have to go, I love you so much

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